Cry Little Sister

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Book: Cry Little Sister by Parker Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Parker Ford
hands in her hair, crushing her under his weight,staring her down. “Are you okay with just happened?”
    She nodded, chewing her bottom lip. “ I am. Are you ?”
    “I’m just wondering when we can do it again.”
    That sent a thrill through her. It started in her throat and shook her all the way down to her toes. She’d been wondering the same thing.
    “So, I’ve found who I think is my dad and he’s agreed to DNA testing. What about you? Your mom?”
    Jordan crushed some butter crackers in her tomato soup and blew on her spoonful to cool it.
    Gareth was stirring his soup, not eating. A late easy lunch and chit chat. They were dancing around what was underneath. More lust, more need, a bigger urge. The deed had been done, the gateway opened.
    Jordan watched his mouth as he blew on his own spoonful. That was a mouth she’d been staring at for twenty some years. A mouth that had teased her and whistled for her at the dinner hour and kissed her cheek before Junior prom. That was now a mouth that had crushed down on her own and bullied her mouth into blissful submission. That was a mouth that had settled on her nipples and slipped along her goose bump studded skin. That mouth had now been on her pussy, sucking at her, licking her, tasting her.
    She shook off the sledgehammer effect of desire when he shrugged and said lowly, “She’s not on my radar. Dad said a lot more when he was out of it. I have no interest in any of it. I’m glad that things worked out for you and Tom. I’m glad he wants to be present in your life. His was a case of not knowing. From what I can gather, my mother just wasn’t interested.”
    Her stomach bottomed out. Gareth’s voice was a sickening mixture of sadness and anger and hurt. She wanted to make it better for him.
    She ate another bite of soup but didn’t taste it. Taking his hand and squeezing, she whispered. “I’m sorry, Gar. What did dad…what did he say?”
    Gareth’s mouth clamped down into a thin pale line and she thought for a moment he wouldn’t answer. Finally, he pushed his shoulders back and stirred his soup some more.
    “He said, when your mother wanted to give you up, I couldn’t. You were my life.”
    Jordan swallowed hard but kept silent. She could see by his face he needed to say what he needed to say and be done with it.
    “He  said, you were such a good boy. And Kelly loved you like her own. You were such a good boy and a good person. A great big brother. And a now you’re a wonderful man.”
    Jordan crumbled more crackers into her soup though the existing ones were already turning soggy and gross. Her appetite had fled.
    “He said…” Gareth blew the words out on a long, long breath. A weary breath. “It’s her loss, considering herself nothing more than an incubator. It’s her loss that she left the moment you were born. It’s her loss but it’s been my gain, son.”
    His voice broke on the word son and Jordan felt like her heart would too. She got out of her chair and climbed into his lap, wrapping him in her arms. She could feel his body shaking slightly, a keyed up electrical current feeling that made her sad for him.
    “It’s okay, Gareth. It’s okay. You had a family who loved you. Always. And that’s all that matters.”
    “My other mother left me too.” His laugh was acidic.
    “She left us all,” Jordan sighed, brushing her fingers through his hair. She kissed him lightly, squeezed him tighter.
    She felt the hard press of his cock beneath her bottom. No time for that. That could wait. He was hurting and Gareth hurting always hurt her. Ever since she was little.
    “What does that mean?” he asked. His arms snaked around her waist, binding her to him.
    Jordan could feel Gareth’s heart banging against her own. “It means we suck at holding on to mothers,” she said.
    He laughed softly and she kissed his forehead. Chastely. Until he captured her face in his hands and pulled her into a very

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