Cry Little Sister

Free Cry Little Sister by Parker Ford

Book: Cry Little Sister by Parker Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Parker Ford
abs—working outside was his gym he always joked. His lean hips and strong legs and the substantial jut of his cock.
    She said it before she even registered the though. “Please.”
    Gareth knelt over her, his knees on either side of her hips, the warm flesh of his cock pressing against her belly. “Please what, Jojo?”
    “Let me.” She put her hands on his ass, gently trying to nudge him up her body. So that he straddled her chest instead. So she could reach him, get him in her mouth. It was an undeniable urge now that they were naked.
    “Let you what, Jordan?” He gave her a half smile. She knew that he knew damn well wheat she wanted.
    But he wanted her to say it.
    Her face flushed with heat and she whispered, “You know. Just let me. Please Gareth.”
    How many? How many dirty dream had she had of sucking him off. Of his cock jerking in her mouth as he came. Of the briny ocean taste of his semen on her tongue, sticky on her lips? So many that now it was staggering…so close. She was so close.
    “Do you want to suck my dick, little sister?”
    He’d moved up just a bit. His knees on either side of her elbows. When he leaned just so his cock pressed thick and silken between her breasts.
    “Yes.” She forced herself to be brave. To say the word with strength.
    “Then say it.”
    He touched her nipple with the tip of his cock and she saw the small clear drop of pre-cum there. It would tasty salty but a little sweet. The flared head of his erection would be rose petal soft on her bottom lip. She would rub it back and forth along her mouth of a minute before taking it in. She would…
    “Say it,” he said again, running himself over the swell of her breast.
    “I want to suck…you.”
    “My what?”
    She was mortified but so turned on. Jordan felt a hot rush of fluid between her legs, the wetness already gracing the very tops of her thighs. How long had it been since she’d gotten so wet? Had she ever been this wet?
    “I want to suck your…cock.” She looked away the moment she said it. Her face was literally burning, her stomach a knot of anxiety.
    “Good girl.” That was all he said before moving up and putting him in her mouth. His hand slid beneath her head and angled her just a touch. “Suck my cock, little sister,’ he said.
    It was so raunchy. So horribly horribly perfect. The tone of his voice, the raw emotion on his face, the nearly reverent tone in his voice. The words were beyond dirty but his voice was all about love.
    She kissed him chastely to start. A simple kiss dropped on the helmet of his erection. His eyes slammed shut and she could feel the tremble in his body as he cradled her head in his hand.
    She let herself have that moment of running the smooth head of his cock over her bottom lip. She licked him quickly, just to capture that drop of fluid, and he hissed. When his eyes met hers and seemed to urge her on, she sucked the tip of him in and licked in a lazy swirl.
    “You’re killing me, you know? I don’t want to come.”
    “Then don’t, “ she said, before taking him as best she could at that angle.
    A chuckle burst out of him at her response.
    She could get much of him and he let her head down gently, moving himself up a bit more so he could literally fuck her face. Angling his narrow hips to plunge his cock into her mouth. His force was restrained, allowing her to control how deep he went. But now that he was over her and the smell of him was in her head and his flesh was buried in her throat, she wanted as much of him as she could get.
    Jordan cupped his ass in her hands and tried to drive him deeper. Her breath tore in and out of her nose, the smell of him invading every part of her. Spice and heat and leather and some innate Gareth smell that couldn’t be named.
    “Easy, Jojo,” he said, his voice tense.
    When she trailed a fingernail along the crack of his ass, he pulled free of her with a grunt.
    “Not that way. Not now. I want to be in you. I need a

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