Cards & Caravans

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Book: Cards & Caravans by Cindy Spencer Pape Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Spencer Pape
Tags: Romance Speculative Fiction
toward Belinda.
    “And if you did, was there a good reason?” That was the younger sister, Melody. The two sisters were both lovely young women but very different. Geneva was tall, with auburn curls like Connor and Sir William, while Melody was petite and dark like her mother. Both seemed to have hearty appetites, undiminished by the turmoil Belinda had brought to their home. Apparently Connor’s enjoyment of sweets was a family trait.
    Several of the others began to talk at once. Belinda nibbled on a lemon scone, but her stomach was so tied up in knots she could barely swallow solid food.
    “She didn’t do it.” Connor’s voice cut through the chatter and he wrapped an arm around Belinda’s shoulders. “It was a cholera outbreak. They’re claiming death by witchcraft.”
    “Well, that’s just silly.” It was the older Lady MacKay who shook her silver head. “No self-respecting witch would resort to something so erratic, not when they could simply induce heart failure or a convenient accident. More likely, the silly people fouled their own well or drank from a contaminated stream.” She gave Belinda an assessing stare. “Are you a witch, dear?”
    Belinda shrugged. “I am Romany. I can read cards, tea leaves and such. My herbal tinctures work well for coughs and bruises.” That was the extent of her power. In some places, that would be enough to get her hanged as a witch.
    “She doesn’t have the kind of power to cast that sort of spell,” Connor said to his grandfather. “Surely you can see that?”
    “Of course.” The older man nodded. “I spoke to Fergus half an hour ago and he concurs that the situation is bollixed up. I’ll go give the order to seal the gates.”
    Belinda gaped. They would do that before they’d even spoken to her? Tears pricked at her eyes as Connor’s mother stood and took her arm. Only reluctantly did Connor nod and let go of Belinda’s hand.
    “Come along, Mrs. Danvers. Why don’t you let me show you to a room?” With that, Belinda found herself separated from Connor. One look in the younger Lady MacKay’s eyes told Belinda that she, at least, would have no qualms throwing a stranger to the dogs if it meant protecting her son. Belinda couldn’t fault her for that.
    Belinda returned the strained social smile and followed along. Only once she was alone in a sumptuous guest room did she shiver and hold Lucifer close to her chest.
    * * *
    Shortly after noon, Connor looked around the MacKays’ dining table at his family. Only the adults were present, and the doors had been shut even to the servants. This was less of a luncheon and more a council of war. More than one eyebrow had been lifted at Belinda being included, but Connor wasn’t about to let them get away with snubbing her. He had plans. What had been a germ of an idea last night was now fully developed. The only one who would have the power to change his mind was Belinda, and he fully intended to win her approval. He reached under the table and squeezed her thigh, just for the pleasure of touching her, even through layers of skirts and petticoats.
    “After you phoned this morning, I had Alisdair search parish court records and local newspapers,” Fergus said about halfway through the main course. “You were right. There have been a number of other witch trials in a handful of small villages in the south of Scotland and the north of England. As far as our records indicate, none of those executed was known to have significant magickal ability. Many of those accused were Romany, Hebrew or immigrants. We might be looking at some kind of religious crusade or attempt to rid England of immigrants. Furthermore, one known wizard—a man who has assisted the Order in the past—has also gone missing near Newcastle. His mother was from New Delhi, which matches up with the other victims. Our findings indicate that something on a larger scale is going on.”
    “It really does appear to be a hunt and I don’t think they

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