Fast Track

Free Fast Track by Julie Garwood

Book: Fast Track by Julie Garwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Garwood
workaholic, yet somehow he made a bit of time for rugby, poker, and women . . . skinny blond women.
    That reminder helped her get her head back together. Aiden still had hold of her. Wanting to distance herself from him, she gently pushed his hands away, took a step back, and then walked around him to get to the table. She noticed Alec was watching her, his expression puzzled.
    “What has you frowning, Alec?” she asked.
    “Not frowning,” he countered. “Just observing.”
    Regan pulled out a chair for her. “Sit. We have lots to talk about.”
    Sophie sat across from Cordie at the small round table. “It’s all good news,” she said. “Except for Jack.” She looked up at her husband and smiled. “He hates Chicago winters.”
    “And?” Cordie prodded.
    “We’re staying in Chicago. That’s where the Bureau wants him. He and Alec were both promoted and will continue to work together.”
    “Here in Chicago,” Regan supplied. “They’re both assigned here indefinitely. No more back-and-forth to Boston for Alec and me.”
    “That’s wonderful news,” Cordie said. “But what about your town house in Boston?”
    “Actually, Alec’s brother Nick still owns it,” Regan said. “Alec didn’t do the paperwork. Neither one of us has had time, and Nick wasn’t in any hurry. He’s going to put it on the market next month.”
    “I love that town house,” Cordie said. She had stayed there a couple of times with Regan when Alec was out on assignment. The town house had been completely remodeled and was located in a coveted neighborhood. She loved Boston, too, almost as much as she loved her hometown.
    “For a while we thought Alec’s brother Michael might buy it, but he decided not to. I’m not sure why.”
    “He’s based in San Diego,” Alec said. “And these days he rarely gets back to Boston. The town house would sit empty for months at a time.”
    “But when he leaves the Navy SEALs . . . ,” Regan began.
    “I don’t think he plans to leave anytime soon, sweetheart,” Alec said.
    “Cordelia?” Aiden called her name, then walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.
    “How are you doing?”
    “I’m fine. Thanks for asking.”
    He tugged on her ponytail. She reached up to swat his hand away.
    “Do you need anything?” he asked.
    She shook her head. His hands were still on her shoulders, but his attention had moved on. “Are we going to play poker or not?” After asking the question, he squeezed Cordie’s shoulders, then turned and walked out of the room. His attitude toward her was so casual; apparently he’d forgotten all about kissing her. She wished she could do the same.
    “I’m playing,” Jack said. He rounded the table and bent down to kiss Sophie. Alec also kissed his wife, then whispered something that made her laugh.
    Cordie watched the two couples, and for the first time since both of her friends had married, she felt like a fifth wheel. What had happened to her self-confidence? It seemed to have vanished. Since her father’s death she’d been on autopilot, but now the numbness was wearing off and she was beginning to feel again. There was so much to process and try to understand. Terrified that she was heading down the same desolate road her father had chosen, she was questioning everything about her life and the choices she had made. She didn’t know where she belonged anymore. Her life seemed so empty now. Was she just feeling sorry for herself? Maybe, she decided. She’d admit she was a bit depressed, but who wouldn’t be after reading those heartbreaking letters her father had written to her mother begging her to come back to him?
    A waiter appeared to take their drink orders. Cordie had thought she would drink wine, and a lot of it, but now that she was with her friends and starting to relax, she decided she wanted iced tea. Sophie and Regan ordered the same thing.
    “We’re such sophisticated drinkers,” Regan said with a laugh.

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