The Great War (Surviving the Zombie Nightmare Book 5)

Free The Great War (Surviving the Zombie Nightmare Book 5) by Daniel White

Book: The Great War (Surviving the Zombie Nightmare Book 5) by Daniel White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daniel White
best of the bunch in terms of importance.
    While Dr. Cain had done more in terms of believing in him than anyone else he had ever known, Bullosky clearly had the greatest impact on the current project he was working on. The fact that he was a demon or at least that he claimed to be had zero impact on Dr. Isaiah at all. In fact, he was about as steadfast an atheist as one could be during the current time of spiritual and zombie warfare. Sure he saw the special feats that these so-called demons could pull off but he also had seen Destiny to the exact same thing with drugs created in his lab. How Eric Bayne had pulled it off he didn’t know but the guy was human; that Dr. Isaiah knew for sure.
    So really, no matter what they called themselves or what they could do, there was nothing that any of them could do to shake him from his atheistic viewpoint. His good friend Abel Nichols was the spiritual guide for O.A. and was as different from Isaiah as anyone on the planet. They were friends because Nichols never tried to change Dr. Isaiah’s beliefs. They had remained friends through some of the roughest times of Organic Ascendancy many years down the road and with a ton of water under the bridge because of that very fact. Dr. Isaiah just knew too much of what was possible with drugs, smoke and mirrors to believe in any god, angel or demon at least any more than he believed in magic tricks on a stage.
    Even the greatest magicians and doctors from all of human history would be in awe of what he was doing on this day. It didn’t stop there. Every common man, woman, priest, pope, scientist, actor, professional athlete, steadfast Christian or most stubborn atheist would stand with jaw gaped open at what he was about to prove. If there were actual gods, angels or any other manner of deity, Dr. Isaiah decided that what he was about to do must put him on the same level as any and all of them. No sooner had he stepped back from the table than Dr. Cain stepped forward and started speaking.
    “Ladies and gentlemen, Organic Ascendancy soldiers and personnel, what you are about to see is the utmost in top secretive information. I realize that some of you might well be correct to point out that very few humans are left to leak this information to but that is not important. It is the principle of the matter that is important. One day in the coming years and decades we will all turn around and there will be thousands of thriving human beings living in harmony on a higher plane of existence than we now struggle with. Even then, secretive information will be required. Practice now my brothers and sisters keeping this information quiet so that it is only known by the lofty persons in this room. Now, if you will join me in welcoming the work of the greatest doctor and scientist in all of human history; Dr. Isaiah Neal.”
    For all of his life or at least since the age of five or six, Dr. Isaiah had dreamed of making some manner of a huge breakthrough. When he did such, there would be a huge crowd of people gathered to sing his praises. When the host or hostess introduced him, there would be thunderous applause. For all of his years he strived to realize that dream and for all of his years he fell short. Standing there listening to the applause of the few people gathered around and unsure of what the powers that be planned to do with his incredible breakthrough, Dr. Isaiah realized that once again he had fallen short of that dream.
    Nonetheless he chose to accept the halfhearted cheers and somewhat sarcastic catcalls with a smile on his face and a gleam in his eye. He stepped back from his laboratory table, clasped his hands behind his back and bowed his head. For his purposes, he pretended that there was thousands of adoring public thanking him for his legendary breakthrough. Finally he looked up at the room of a handful of people and nodded with thoughtfulness, “Thank you so very much. I cannot tell you how trying this journey has been but I

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