Palm South University Season 1 Omnibus
pushing past me into the living room. I bow up to him and he rolls his eyes. “I’m Alec. I was president of Omega Chi Beta six years ago and I’m here to save your ass.”
    “What the fuck did you just say to me?”
    “Did I stutter?” he asks. Dick. “My name is Alec Carriker. Are you Matthew Dishman?”
    I shake my head. “He’s down the hall. What are you doing here?”
    “I’d rather talk to Matt about that.”
    I cross my arms over my chest. “Well he’s asleep and insanely hungover and I’m probably the only brother you’re going to get a sober conversation out of right now. So if you don’t want to wait around for several hours to get whatever has your panties in a wad off your chest, you can start talking now.”
    Alec steps up to me, his chest puffing out as his eyes level with mine. He’s just as tall as I am, which I’m not really used to, but his frame is lean where mine is stout. “I don’t know where you get off talking to an alumni that way, boy , but I’m about five seconds away from reminding you why you shouldn’t.”
    “ Boy ?” My nose flares and I beg myself to calm down, but I’m not sure it’s going to work.
    He rolls his eyes. “Oh please, don’t start with the race card. I didn’t mean boy like that, I meant it as in you are a boy. You are young, you’re naive, and you have no respect for your older brothers.”
    “I don’t give my respect. You have to earn it. And you’re doing a piss poor job right now.”
    Alec appraises me for a moment before exhaling a long breath. “Look, I didn’t come here to fight. But, I’m pissed off and so are a lot of other alum. We got a call from nationals and they’re assigning me and two other brothers to mentor the chapter for the rest of the year due to the copious amount of shit you’ve been getting yourself into.”
    I gulp, but don’t respond. I know exactly what he’s talking about. After last semester, the crazy parties over summer, and the now four times we’ve had the cops called on us this semester – it doesn’t surprise me nationals has stepped in. But it worries me.
    “So what does this mean?”
    “It means you’re in a pretty precarious situation and if you don’t listen to me and get your shit together, you’re going to get suspended. Or worse.” He gives me a pointed look and my jaw tightens.
    “I’ll go wake Matt.”
    “Don’t bother.” He sighs, looking around the house. It’s disgusting. Empty cups and beer bottles litter the tables and the floor and it smells like ass. He turns his nose up. “Just let him sleep, I’ll come back later.” He pauses. “I didn’t catch your name.”
    “You didn’t bother to ask. I guess boy will suffice for now.”
    He smirks. “Look, I’m sorry. I’m just… I’m really tied to this fraternity. I don’t want to see it go down in flames. What’s your name?”
    I frown, but extend my hand anyway. “Clinton Pennington. Everyone calls me Bear.”
    “Bear,” he tries my name and I know he’s wondering why anyone would call me that. Or maybe he’s figured part of it out by now. “Well, Bear, I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I’ll be back later with the other brothers.” His eyes flit around the room again. “Might consider cleaning up a bit before then. Believe it or not, I’m the most forgiving of the lot.”
    After Alec leaves, I shut the door and curse under my breath. I type out a quick text to Josh and just as I hit send, my phone starts ringing.
    Fuck. I am not in the mood for this. Hell, I’m still half asleep. But I answer anyway.
    “Hey Mom.”
    “Clinton, baby?” she asks, sniffling.
    “Mom?” My heart races in my throat. She’s crying. “What’s going on? Is Clayton okay?” She cries harder and I sink down onto the couch, my breath caught in my chest. “Mom?”
    “He’s fine, honey. I,” she chokes out over a sob. “I need you to send me a little money, baby. I was stupid. I did some stupid shit and now I

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