The Jeweled Spur

Free The Jeweled Spur by Gilbert Morris

Book: The Jeweled Spur by Gilbert Morris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gilbert Morris
history. Finally she sighed, “Well, I’ll have to go now.” Biting her lip nervously, she said, “I don’t know what to do about boarding Star.”
    McGonigal squeezed his eyes together, thinking hard, then asked abruptly, “Is it a Christian girl you are, Miss Laurie?”
    “Why, yes, I am, Mac.”
    “Then ye’ll be knowing that the Lord don’t let us wander around down here like a bunch of blind moles! Me old mother taught me that—bless her memory!”
    “She sounds like my own mother,” Laurie nodded. “She hears from God all the time. But I don’t seem to have theknack for it.” A streak of impatience tightened her lips and she shook her head in frustration. “Why doesn’t God tell me what to do? Where is He when I need Him?”
    “Faith, girl!” Mac slapped his hard hands together sharply, his blue eyes snapping. “Do ye expect the good Lord to come down and shout every little thing in your ear?”
    “Well, no, but—”
    “Before ye started out this morning to find a place for your horse, did ye ask God to help you?”
    Laurie blinked, then answered feebly, “Well, no, but I didn’t think I needed to pray over such a little thing.”
    “Oh, that’s it? Ye’ll handle your own business until you stub your toe, and it’s then ye’ll be goin’ to God?” McGonigal shook his head and looked fierce. “Well, devil fly off, if that ain’t a pitiful way of servin’ the Lord!”
    Laurie felt a flush of anger, primarily because she had been told essentially the same truth by her mother. “Well, I can’t ask God for every little thing, Mac! And suppose I had asked—do you think He’d send a shining angel down to show me the way to a stable?”
    “Well, He’s got plenty of them, ain’t He?—angels, that is! Don’t the Word say, ‘The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels’? It ain’t my business—or yours—to figure out how God is going to lead us. It’s ours to ask, and His to do!”
    Laurie suddenly laughed and put her hand on the small man’s arm. “When I write to my parents, I’ll tell them they don’t have to worry about me. I’ve got a fine Bible-believing trooper from the Fifth here to watch over me! “ Her smile was warm and a happy light danced in her eyes as she added, “And I’ll ask God about finding a place for Star. Does that satisfy you?”
    McGonigal’s rumpled face broke into a grin. “There’s no need to ask now, because I can tell you where to keep your animal.” Seeing the surprise on the girl’s face, he swept the stable with a gesture of his arm. “Right here, it is.”

    “But—this is for the faculty and staff!”
    “Go see President Huddleston,” McGonigal said, smiling. “Tell him what you need.”
    Remembering her encounter with the short-spoken president the day before, she asked doubtfully, “Do you think so, Mac? He seems so grumpy. ”
    “Now, Miss Laurie, here the Lord’s given you what you want and you go doubting! Don’t the Word say, ‘Trust in the Lord with all thine heart’? You be goin’ on now, and see the man!”
    “All right, I will!”
    Laurie left the stable and went at once to President Huddleston’s office. By the time she got there, her confidence had eroded, so much that when she asked to see him, she half hoped he would be too busy to see her. But the middle-aged woman sitting at the desk nodded at once, “Go in, Miss Winslow. This is the hour that President Huddleston sets apart for talking with students.”
    Laurie knocked on the door timidly, then when a voice said “Come in,” she entered and slowly approached the huge desk sitting squarely in front of the bay window that let the pale sunlight enter. President Huddleston lowered the heavy book he was reading and stared at her through the thick lenses of his glasses. Laurie had already heard his nickname, “The Snapping Turtle,” and couldn’t help thinking that he looked exactly like one!
    “Miss Winslow, I think.” Huddleston

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