The Great War (Surviving the Zombie Nightmare Book 5)

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Book: The Great War (Surviving the Zombie Nightmare Book 5) by Daniel White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daniel White
could not place. He smiled, “That is a very good question for the more common people in the room, sir, and thank you. I failed to remember that there were those of you in the room who weren’t familiar with the manner in which the mutated virus leads the beings to behave.” A few scowls came his way but he ignored them. If they were too stupid to know what he meant by that and therefore too stupid to avoid being offended, they needed to be offended. Isaiah looked towards Dr. Cain. Both she and Admiral Bullosky seemed to be either calm or bored by the question. Mr. Terry however seemed very interested in the young man getting an answer so Dr. Isaiah decided to give him the chance to answer and prove what he knew all in the same stroke. “Mr. Terry, perhaps you can answer this question in a more layperson kind of way?”
    Terry laughed quickly and looked towards him, “Neal, you better be glad you’re brilliant boy. Comments like those are going to get you an ass-kicking one day.” Terry looked towards the man who had asked the question, “Zombies in whatever variety always behave somewhat differently. Let’s say the host mind was brilliant when it became infected by the virus. That zombie would then tend to be more intelligent in his zombie-like mannerisms than one who was hosted by someone as stupid as that guy standing next to you.” Terry looked back to Dr. Isaiah, “For another example, if Dr. Isaiah and I both were given the virus, the zombie he turned into would be a chicken-shit while the zombie I turned into would be a bad-ass. Back to you Neal.”
    “Please,” Dr. Isaiah forced himself to take a quick breath, “Refer to me as Dr. Isaiah, Peyton .” He looked at the questioning man, “The gist of what Mr. Terry is trying to say,” Isaiah stopped suddenly as the man interrupted.
    “Oh, no I understand now,” the man said with a grin, “Zombies tend to be very similar all together but can be as unique as humans in other ways.”
    Dr. Isaiah nodded his approval, “Very good sir. I am glad we could put that on terms you could understand.”
    “Yeah, sure,” the soldier said with a smile, “The chicken-shit analogy is what did it.”
    “Sir,” Isaiah could feel the red on his face. How could this commoner not understand how brilliant this moment was? “If you are too confrontational to stand throughout this unveiling, perhaps we should throw you out of here.”
    The man smiled again, “I’m here with ten well-trained soldiers that follow my orders to the letter so you just try it smart boy. You’ll be giving yourself a blow job by the time we finish with you.”
    “Enough!” Dr. Cain yelled above everyone, “I welcome banter and playful jabs as well as questions but this is just a waste of time. Dr. Isaiah, stop insulting people and you sir,” she said to the soldier, “Shut your goddamn mouth and keep it shut or you’ll be the next experiment. Understood?”
    The man scowled and shifted his shoulders uncomfortably, “Yes, ma’am.”
    Dr. Cain looked back to Dr. Isaiah, “Doctor?”
    “I understand Dr. Cain,” he said calmly, “Please accept my apology. If I may continue?” Dr. Cain nodded and Isaiah continued, “Now that we all understand why zombies behave somewhat differently in a specifically designed and identical situation, we can move on to the third subject.” He pushed a combination of buttons on the remote and the third subject was released in the same way as the other two subjects had been. Dr. Isaiah smiled as the zombie squatted down to the ground and began waddling around and clucking like a chicken.
    Several laughs sounded from the room as they watched the zombie crossbreed behave as if he were a chicken. One man said, “Now that shit is funny! Ha! I bet that is the one they experimented on!”
    Someone else said, “Might want to go back to the drawing board doc!”
    They continued in like manner for a while before Dr. Cain settled everyone with a hand held into

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