The Hardest (Working) Man in Showbiz
The Pajama Game , took a break from theater to appear in The Devil in Miss Jones , and it only helped her career. Marilyn Chambers, who became an overnight sensation in the porn classic Behind the Green Door , was cast as the lead in the David Cronenberg film Rabid , and nobody in Hollywood questioned whether the public would buy a porno actress in a nonsexual role.
    The floodgates had opened, and porn was no longer a shameful profession dominated by drug addicts and filth mongers. It could be a very real stepping-stone into the mainstream, and it seemed as if I was the only actor in New York who hadn’t figured it out yet. *
    But I wasn’t ready just yet to jump blindly into the porn trade. Before I made such a monumental, life-altering decision, I needed to talk to my dad.
    He listened silently as I explained it all to him. I told him that I wasn’t looking to stay in adult films forever. It would just be a temporary thing, just long enough to get a few film credits under my belt. I told him about the director I’d spoken to, Jim Sandberg, who was widely considered to be one of the best foreign-sex-film directors of all time. I wasn’t putting myself in the hands of some hack smut peddler, I told him. This guy was a genius. A respected filmmaker who could feasibly help my acting career.
    “Well,” my dad said after a long and thoughtful pause, “I guess, if you think it sounds like a good idea, you know more than me.”
    “Really?” I hadn’t expected it to be so easy.
    “You’ve been in Playgirl , so people have already seen you nude.” “That’s exactly what I thought!”
    “At least you’re performing in front of a camera—and there’s some story line to it, and you’re doing some acting. If you really think this is a wise choice, you have my permission. But I do hope you go on to better things.”
    I hugged him so hard, I nearly broke his neck. “Just one thing,” he said, his face buried in my chest.
    “If you use the name Hyatt, I’ll kill you.”
    I could only imagine that, somewhere downstairs, my grandmother was thinking exactly the same thing.

    D o you want me to cum now?”
    The entire crew was staring at me, as if I had just sprouted wings and a tail. I wondered if I was being too presumptuous. Maybe I should just shut up and do as I was told. I didn’t want to be branded as difficult before I’d even finished my first scene.
    “Uh, yeah,” the director, Jim Sandberg, said. “You think you can?”
    I didn’t just think I could, I knew I could. Cumming had never been a problem for me. Once I have an erection, I could time my orgasms literally down to the second. I could stall for hours or pop within seconds, depending on my mood. In my social life, this was nothing more than a mildly amusing trick. But, as it turned out, on the set of a porno film, it was a valuable and rare commodity.
    “Sure,” I said. “Just tell me when you need it.”
    The director and crew shook their heads in amazement. “Wow,” a gaffer muttered under his breath. “This guy is good.”
    “Can you do it in one minute?” Jim asked.
    “Yeah, no problem.” I glanced at my watch. “One minute and counting.”
    Samantha laughed, which didn’t exactly help matters. Any contraction in her vagina was enough to make me cum ahead of schedule. But I managed to cling to what remained of my willpower and continue the scene.
    Samantha was riding on top of me, grinding onto my cock with violent thrusts. Normally, this is a dangerous position for me; it’s when I have the least amount of control. When a guy is on top or doing doggy, he can control his strokes, slowing down or speeding up as needed to keep from exploding. But when the girl is on top, she has complete control. If she decided that she’s going to pound away at you at lightning speed, there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop her.
    To make this work and cum on command, I would have to draw on some juju magic.
    I was fighting an

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