Mark Me

Free Mark Me by Shawn Bailey

Book: Mark Me by Shawn Bailey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shawn Bailey
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body like a master. “Ah! That hit the spot.” Dimitri chuckled, pushed up on his hands and moved his hips in a circular motion. “Ah, you’re so tight. Ooh, shit. Work that ass.” Eli tried to help Dimitri out, but at the moment he couldn’t think straight. All of a sudden reality hit him. I’m in love with Dimitri! He shuddered passionately. Could he tell him how he felt? Was it too soon in their relationship? And if he did tell him, what would he do if Dimitri told him he loved him back? Eli knew it was a foolish thing to be thinking about during intercourse, but Dimitri had to know how he felt about him. It had to be love. How else could he explain laying spread eagle in his new bed with a tattooed egotist humping his butt?
    A deep plunge into his hole brought Eli back to reality. “Ooh.” He moved his butt.
    Dimitri moaned. “Good, you’re back. I was beginning to think you fell asleep.”
    “No!” Eli uttered as his cock hardened to near-dangerous proportions. “Quite the opposite. I’m on fire.” Dimitri laid down on him again, smashing his aching cock between them. He rolled it around against his stomach.
    Eli moaned. “Stop torturing me.”
    “Maybe we should change positions.” He rolled off Eli. “You, on top.”
    “Huh? We’ve never done it this way before.” He moved and allowed Dimitri to take his spot on the bed. “Will I be doing you?”
    “Not a chance,” Dimitri said. “There’s only room for one lion in this den.”
    “But it’s my den,” Eli mumbled as he positioned himself over Dimitri.
    “You can be the princess,” Dimitri said as he helped ease Eli down on his swollen cock.
    “Ah!” Eli cried out as Dimitri slid up his shaft.
    Dimitri chuckled.
    I’ll show him . Eli lifted himself and then sank back down on Dimitri.
    “That’s it. Move that hot, little body.” Dimitri looked so fucking hot, lying beneath him in all his blond splendor and tattooed with Asian characters. The sight made Eli as horny as hell. His thoughts turned all slutty as he moved his sticky, cherry-lubed ass up and down Dimitri’s pole. He moaned loudly as Dimitri’s dick touched his prostate.
    Dimitri grabbed his hips and moved him quicker to intensify the friction.
    After a few minutes of this, Eli couldn’t take it anymore. He’d grabbed his cock and began masturbating. He reached his limit and let go a hot stream of cum all over Dimitri. His body continued to shudder as Dimitri made a mess of his prostate. His body stilled, and the gushing stopped. Dimitri stared up at him.
    “Damn. Enjoyed yourself much?”
    Eli slid off him and lay next to him on the bed. “Yes, very much so. Thank you.”
    “Yuck,” Dimitri teased. “You have me all dirty.” Eli chuckled. “One of the privileges of being a princess.” He sighed contently.
    Dimitri took his hand and moved it between his legs. “Don’t get too comfortable. You still have an angry lion to extinguish.” Eli gulped. Dimitri felt huge. “Sorry. I forgot.” Dimitri rolled him over on his stomach and hoisted his hips into the air. “You forgot? Such a selfish princess.” He greased Eli’s ass with lube again, spread the cheeks and slid into him.
    “Oh!” Eli moaned as Dimitri screwed his sore hole.
    His lover rode him vigorously, thrusting deep. “I have to teach you who’s king here. Ooh,” he moaned.
    All Dimitri’s bragging fell apart in about two minutes when his passion took control and made him come. “Shit,” he groaned. “The princess’s throne is too powerful.”
    Both he and Eli fell to the mattress, chuckling.
    “I want to be the lion next time,” Eli said as they cuddled together.
    He sighed. He hadn’t had time to tell Dimitri how he felt about him.
    The moment passed when things got silly between them.
    “I’ll think about it,” Dimitri said. He kissed Eli on the side of his face. “What about dinner.”
    “I need a nap,” Eli said sleepily. “Being a princess has tired me out.”

    * * *

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