Rainbow Connection

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Book: Rainbow Connection by Alexa Milne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexa Milne
Tags: gay romance
    “What about Sophie?” he whispered in her ear. “I always thought you and her…”
    Megan punched his arm looked towards the kitchen. “You know we had that one occasion and nothing’s changed since then. I don’t know, little bro, I thought we were here to discuss you and this Mick bloke. I have to say, he doesn’t sound like the usual bastards you choose to give you a hard time!”
    Sophie brought in the food, and they sat down with bowls in their laps.
    “No, he isn’t my usual sort. He’s nice, but he’s shy and geeky and has… issues.”
    “Issues?” Megan questioned. “What sort of issues?”
    “Well, to start with, he has these routines, sort of like OCD, but not quite, and then there’s his ex-boyfriend, and his mum as well. I don’t know all the details.”
    “Is this guy still around then?”
    “No, he’s dead, and that’s part of the problem. Mick’s only been with this one bloke before me, who was older than him, a lot older, and more experienced. From what I can tell, this bloke was pretty controlling, and Mick’s mum was the same. Alfie, that’s his ex, died suddenly—meningitis. Mick isn’t good with people, and he’s definitely not good with making decisions. This food is great, by the way, Sophie.” He swallowed another mouthful.
    “It sounds like you’re taking on a lot here, Ceri. Are you sure this isn’t just your habit of collecting lame ducks rearing its ugly head? You know what you were like when we were young, always trying to make things better. You’ve just moved from animals to people. Or is this you trying to find out what makes him tick?” Megan asked.
    “At first there was a bit of that, I’ll admit. He’s certainly nothing like my usual type. But there’s something about him. He’s different, and that makes him interesting and a challenge. In some ways, he was almost as dead as his ex, and I’ve helped him to live. He’s like this hairy caterpillar, and boy is he hairy, that I want to see transform into a butterfly. God, this sounds clichéd, but he’s got this inner beauty that needs to be set free. I read a story he’d written the other day, and it was magical, like being taken to a whole new world, and that’s going on in his head, but he doesn’t think he’s any good, or what he’s written is any good. I just want to make him believe.”
    Sophie and Megan looked at each other and smiled knowingly. He caught the look.
    “All right, I know I’ve got it bad. I like him. We talk as well, you know. He’s a big sci-fi fan like me, and loves Doctor Who . I managed to persuade him to go to Cardiff with me to look around all the sites. We had such a good time. It was like he’d been let off the leash and could be himself.”
    “And the sex?” Sophie asked swigging back another mouthful of wine.
    Heat rushed into Ceri’s face. He grinned. “The sex is amazing.”
    “So what happened to spoil this paradise, because I’m getting somewhat envious hearing you describe him?”
    “I went to his flat. Alfie at least did the decent thing and left him this gorgeous place, but there’s nothing of Mick in it, even three years after Alfie died.” He explained about the flat and his conversation with Mick. “How do I get past his ghost? It was like Mick just existed there, making as little impact on his surroundings as possible.” He put the bowl down on the table. “Shit! It’s like he wants me, but it’s hard for him. He’s never been allowed to make his own decisions. He even buys those little packets of cereal and eats them in order. But he’s so kind and gentle, and yet has this inner core of strength. He makes me laugh, and making him laugh intoxicates me.”
    “Bloody hell Ceri, you have got it bad. You love this guy, don’t you?” Megan said.
    “I think I might. I want to show him things, life, you know. I want to set him free, but I must admit that scares me as well. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before.”

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