
Free Amethyst by Heather Bowhay

Book: Amethyst by Heather Bowhay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Bowhay
Tags: Teen Paranormal
a sharp pain shot through my head and I knew the snapshots were
coming. Pretending I needed to tie my shoe, I leaned down and closed my eyes. I
didn’t know how I was going to escape this group and run off without arousing
suspicion, but I wouldn’t hesitate. Never again. For as long as I lived. However
long that might be. The snapshots came spiraling out of the black abyss:
    An apartment
building in flames
running from the building
    A woman
trapped under a large beam
    A door with
the number 406
    Unnerved, I shot
to my feet and bumped into Ally. After we made eye contact, understanding
dawned on her face, and she grabbed my arm.
    “What is that
smell?” Laci asked, crinkling her nose and sniffing the air. “I think…oh no
look over there,” she said urgently, pointing at plumes of black smoke rising
steadily into the air only a couple blocks away.
    “Something big
is on fire,” Max said impatiently. Sirens wailed in the distance. “We better
check it out. Maybe we can help.” He seized Laci’s hand, and they took off in a
sprint. After slipping out of her heels, Madison shot off, hot on their trail.
    Ally, Jessica,
and I followed in their wake, but they pounded the pavement hard. The distance
between us grew significantly. “Damn they’re fast,” I called out.
    Running at my
side, Jessica puffed, “Track stars in high school.”
    All of them?
Moments later we rounded a corner and located the source of the smoke. Ally and
Jessica cried out in horror, and even though I’d been expecting it, I was
overwhelmed. Hot flames shot from the roof and burst through the top floor
windows of a six story apartment building. Glass popped and shattered to the
ground as windows blew out from the heat. Screaming people ran out the front
entrance, while others climbed through ground floor windows and accepted help
from strangers. A crowd was gathering.
    “Listen Lexi,”
Jessica said, glancing at me nervously and clasping my shoulder, “There are
going to be people who need my help. I know you won’t be able to heal in the
same capacity as me, but your touch will still be soothing. It will be
beneficial to anyone who is suffering from smoke inhalation or minor burns. If
you stick by my side, I’ll show you how to help.”
    “Of course I
will,” I said hurriedly. “But first I need to see if I can get people out of
the building.” I gave Ally a hard look and shoved her towards Jessica. “Ally
will work with you until I get back.” Before Jessica could speak, I turned and
sprinted away.
    That didn’t stop
her from yelling hysterically behind me, “Stop Lexi! You can’t run into a
burning building.”
    I ignored her
and made a beeline for the entrance. Fire trucks roared around the corner with
sirens blaring. Once inside, I struggled up a narrow stairwell against a steady
stream of hysterical residents. Some were barefoot and wearing pajamas. Many
carried whimpering children, frightened pets, or personal belongings. The
higher I went, the smokier the air became. I pulled my t-shirt over my mouth
and breathed through it like it was a mask.
    Once I reached
the fourth floor, I stopped and touched the heavy door with the back of my
hand. Finding it cool, I opened it, but reeled back in surprise when a warm
blast smacked me in the face. Cautiously, I peered down the hallway. The smoke
was thick and visibility was limited. What worried me most were the loud
crackles traveling on the hot, dry air. Blood coursed through my veins, and I
questioned my sanity as I slowly progressed down the vacant corridor.
    I was reading
the numbers on the doors when one flew open. A big man, wearing only a white
t-shirt and boxers, almost plowed over me. A white poodle yelped madly in his
arms. The man grabbed my shoulder and shouted, “Lady, you’re going the wrong
direction. The stairs are that way.” He pointed and started dragging me with
him, his dog nipping at my arm. “This whole place could go up in flames.”
    “Sir,” I

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