Carpe Diem - Jesse 3
Gio’s assistant was over and I had to leave. I glanced at the time on my cell phone and realized it was already 6:10. I had to be back to the hotel by seven to meet Jesse, so I called a cab to come pick me up. Meeting Franco Delmonte had been nice, but once he was introduced to me, he made the polite amount of conversation so as not to look like a jerk and then got caught up in the business at hand, his photo shoot. Even though I was a little disappointed I didn’t get to know him better, I understood. He was on the clock. This was a job. Photos had to be taken and I was just another upcoming designer out of thousands, if not millions.
    As the cab was probably already outside, I didn’t want to explain myself to Gio or anyone else, so I slipped out without anyone noticing. I didn’t even leave Gio a note. I just ducked out the door quietly and into the waiting taxi cab at the curb. As I sank back into the seat, I bit the inside of my mouth, wondering if I just blew the biggest shot of my career. I should have stayed longer. It wasn’t very professional, leaving without saying something to Gio. As the cab left the curb, I wondered if I’d ever see Gio again.

Chapter 11
    I cranked the steering wheel of my rental car hard and to the right, swerving in and out of a cluster fuck of crazy Italian drivers. As my wrist passed the top position of the steering wheel, I glance at my watch. Fuck. It was almost seven and I wasn't even close to the hotel yet. I wanted to get there before Niki and get things ready for her surprise. I leaned on the horn and a tiny sound bleated out of the little car. I slammed my foot on the accelerator and zipped between two cars. They were so close that the passengers could reach out the window and blow each other's noses.
    Assholes ! Get the fuck out of my way .
    I craned my head out the window and yelled at the nearest car, “You drive like a tourist.” A dark haired man made an angry face at me as I cut in front of him. If I could race a dirt bike, I sure as hell could out maneuver these yokels any day. Obviously, they didn't know who they were dealing with.
    When I finally got to the hotel I parked the sorry excuse for a car and dashed into the lobby, my arms loaded with boxes and shopping bags. Juggling several large packages, I managed to wrangle one finger free to punch the elevator button. A stately looking middle-aged woman in a black trench coat furrowed her brow at me, as I repeatedly pounded the button she had already pushed. I looked at her with amazement and wondered what had crawled up her ass? Didn't she know that you have to pound the shit our of elevator buttons when you're in a hurry? Everyone knows that rule.
    I launched into the hotel room and dumped my purchases on the bed. Great. I had beaten her back to the room, and now I could strategically plan my surprise. I had bought something special to wear but, since I was running late, I decided to get dressed right away. I couldn't wait to see Niki's face when she burst in and I didn't look like my usual dirt covered self.
    Fuck. I'm gonna do it.
    I hurried to shower and dress, then filled the time nervously pacing the floor, tugging at my tie. These damn things were as tight as a frog’s ass in water. I checked my watch again. Thirty minutes past seven. Where was she? I had better not be stood up again. She had less than an hour to get ready and I knew how she liked to spend time on her hair and makeup. It didn’t matter to me at all if she messed with her hair and makeup, she was beautiful to me no matter what she looked like, but I knew all that kind of stuff was important to her and part of her fashion thing, too. I pulled my phone out of my pants pocket. Where the hell was she? I had my finger poised, ready to hit the send button, when I was interrupted by the jiggle of the door knob and Niki burst into the room, breathing hard.
    “Traffic was crazy and...” She pulled up short and blinked at me wide eyed. “Am I

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