A World Divided

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Book: A World Divided by Marion Zimmer Bradley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marion Zimmer Bradley
tell them you forbade me to go—and if you don’t, I will. I’ll take all the blame myself.” For the first time, Larry felt that the consequences might really go beyond himself. But that’s not my fault—it’s because the administration is unreasonable. Why should Dad be blamed for what I did?
    He had never been in the administration building before, and as he approached the great white skyscraper that loomed over the whole spaceport complex, he was intrigued to the point of forgetting that he was here for a reproof. The immense building, glimmering with white metal and glass, the wide halls, and the panoramic view from each corridor window of the Darkovan city below and the mountains beyond, almost took his breath away. The Legate’s office was high up, bright and filled with lowering red sunshine; for a moment, as he stepped into the brilliant glassed-in room, a curious thought flashed through Larry’s mind; He sees more of this world than he wants anyone to know about.
    The Legate was a stocky man, dark and grizzled, with thoughtful eyes and a permanent frown. Nevertheless he had dignity, and something which made Larry think quickly of Lorill Hastur. What is it? Is it that they’re used to power, or to making decisions that other people have to live with?
    “Commander Reade—my son Larry.”
    “Sit down.” It was a peremptory command, not an invitation. “So you’ve been roaming around in the city? Tell me about it—tell me everything you’ve done there.”
    His face was unreadable; without anger, but without friendliness. Reserving judgment. Neither kind nor unkind. But there was immense authority in it, as if he expected Larry to jump at once to obey him; and after ten days of sulking in Quarters, Larry wasn’t feeling especially humble.
    “I didn’t know it was against any rules, sir. And I didn’t hurt anyone, and nothing happened to me.”
    Reade made a noncommittal sound. “Suppose you let me decide about that. Just tell me about it.”
    Larry told the whole story: his wanderings in the city day after day, his meeting with the gang of toughs, and the intervention of Kennard Alton. Finally he told of his last visit to the Alton house, making it clear that he had gone without his father’s knowledge and consent. “So don’t blame Dad, sir. He didn’t break any laws, at least.”
    Montray said quickly, “Just the same, Reade, I’ll take the responsibility. He’s my son, and I’ll be responsible for his not doing it again.”
    Reade gestured him to silence. “That’s not the problem. “We’ve heard from the Council—on behalf of the Altons. It seems that they are deeply and gravely offended.”
    “What? Why?”
    “Because you have refused your son permission to pursue this friendship—they say you have insulted them, as if they were unfit to associate with your son.”
    Montray put his hands to his temples, wearily. He said, “Oh, my God.”
    “Exactly,” Reade said in a soft voice. “The Altons are important people on Darkover—aristocrats, members of the Council. A snub or slight from a Terran can create trouble.”
    Suddenly his voice exploded in wrath. “Confound the boy anyhow! We aren’t ready for this sort of episode. We should have thought of it ourselves and made preparations for it, and now when it hits us, we can hardly make good use of it! How old is the boy?”
    Montray gestured at Larry to answer for himself, and Reade grunted. “Sixteen, huh? Here, they’re men at that age—and we ought to realize it! What about it, young Larry? Are you intending—have you ever considered going into the Empire service?”
    Puzzled by the question, Larry said, “I’ve always intended that, Commander.”
    “Well, here’s your chance.” He tossed a small squarish slip of paper across the table. It was thick and bordered, and had Darkovan writing on it, the straight squarish script of the city language. He said, “I understand you can read some of this stuff. God knows

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