was as if I was alive in my body, but I couldn’t move. I felt weighted down. I could see you, hear you, but there was nothing I could do to get to you to hear my shouts.”
“The same happened to me when I died. Once I managed to get out of my body, I couldn’t leave the room. Maybe since we had you tied, that’s why you couldn’t move. I’m not really sure, Jason.”
“It doesn’t matter, all that’s important is the fact that we’ll be together now, no matter what. Marcy, I never want to have to see you go through that much pain again. Now, I’ll make sure you don’t.”
She rested her head against his chest. “But what about Dominic? If you could hear everything then you know the situation we’re in. He and I share a connection, one that I’m sure hasn’t changed. It’s possible Dom and I are mated.”
“Yes,” Jason sighed. “I can feel your bond to him. I felt it the moment my change was complete. Losing him would be equivalent to losing me. As much as I don’t like it, we’re going to have to find a way to make sure he isn’t taken away. Dom, come sit down. I need you to tell me everything you know about your masters.”
“Hell, not you, too. My name is Dominic, not Dom. Let’s try to skip the nicknames. Only pansies cut their names in half. I don’t like it.”
The tall blond sat on the edge of the bed, not a foot away. “I’m not sure what you want me to say. It’s not like it’s going to help.” A heavy breath came from his mouth as he rubbed his eyes. “There are a total of ten masters. They all take their orders from the one man who runs the show. I’m pretty sure I don’t have to say his name.”
“I’d prefer you not.” Marcella shuttered just thinking about it.
“Good. Now this is how the process works. After you put in your time, do what is told of you, you’re promoted to demon. Demons have different tasks; some manipulate humans to make them do evil deeds, while others simply collect the souls of those who commit multiple sins throughout their lives.
“Every other month we meet with the master we’re assigned to turn over the souls, or report on our progress. The ones who fail to complete their tasks are taken and punished. They basically have to start over in the chain and work their way to the top all over again. Just getting promoted to the next stage can take hundreds of years.”
“How does one become a master?” Jason asked.
“I’m not really sure. In all the centuries I’ve been here, they’ve never changed. No one speaks of the masters, it’s strictly forbidden. The punishment for offending a leader is brutal. You couldn’t image the consequences when we disobey or mess up. I guarantee the worst thing you’ve ever heard doesn’t even compare.”
Marcella turned around on Jason’s lap and rested her back against his chest. “Dom...inic, tell me what to do. There has to be a way I can help you. Maybe you don’t understand, but I can’t just leave you to take all the blame. I won’t.”
He rested his head in his hands. “Marcella, if they know about you, I’m betting they tell the one person who can kill you. Jason and I can’t live with that. You have to know, if you die, so does he. You’re his master. The connection you two have runs blood deep, literally. Do you understand now? You have to let me take care of this.”
“Then what are you going to tell him?”
“I’m simply going to say those pesky angels came and took them away from me. It’s been known to happen. There are two who are in the area that have been nothing but a pain in the ass for the demons around here. I’ve been lucky to avoid them. I’m sure he’ll buy the story and assign me more, but there’s no telling.”
“How long do we have before you need to meet with him?” Jason asked.
Dominic looked toward him and sighed. “I have a month, but I think I’m going to go to him early. The story will look more believable that way.”
“That’s a good