Why Lords Lose Their Hearts
of her breath on his neck sending a delicious thrill through him even as he tried to calm his racing pulse. “I cannot put them in danger. I simply can’t. But London feels dangerous, too. I daresay I’ll feel better in a few days, but right now, I don’t know what to do. You are my friend. Help me.”
    At the word “friend,” he felt a bit of the excitement of holding her close ebb away. Still, he reminded himself, friendship was not nothing. And it meant she trusted his opinion, which was something neither Dunthorp nor her late husband could boast of.
    “I am going to speak to someone from the magistrate’s office this afternoon,” he said, his voice rough with wanting her.
    She pulled away and scooted back in her chair. “The magistrate’s office?” she demanded, her eyes wide with alarm. “Why on earth would you tell them about this? You know how Gervase died. They’ll think there was something untoward about his death and begin investigating Isabella, Georgie, and me. Archer, this is the worst thing you could do!”
    Realizing that there would be no more embracing between them, Archer dropped his arms to his sides and stood, moving to lean against the mantel. Managing to speak in a measured tone, he said, “There is no reason for them to think something was suspicious about Gervase’s death. Because I won’t tell them about the threats against you. For all they’ll know you’re being attacked by some madman with Bonapartist tendencies who wishes to abolish the nobility.” And he’d be damned if he’d let her be investigated for what he was convinced had been Gervase’s justified killing.
    Despite his assurances, however, Perdita still seemed unnerved by the idea of having the magistrate’s office anywhere near her. “You can’t know that!” she said, standing up and glaring at him. “I can’t believe you would risk revealing my secret. What gives you the right?”
    Her accusation stung. Especially given how hard he’d worked to ensure that she remained safe. “The right of someone who put his own life at risk yesterday to keep you safe,” he said, stepping toward her. “The right of someone who has watched as your sister and friend both suffered the same sort of threats from this same person. Do you think I wish to see you murdered before my eyes? Do you?”
    Her eyes widened as she saw how angry he was, but she didn’t back down. And her own anger was still there, prompting her words. “I didn’t ask you to put yourself in the way yesterday. I didn’t even know you were going to be there. It was supposed to be a ride with Dunthorp and myself only.”
    As he saw the fire in her eyes, he knew she’d said that deliberately to wound him. Well, two could play at that game, he thought. “Dunthorp couldn’t protect a mouse from a barn cat,” he said with contempt. “And don’t think I don’t know why you’ve chosen him as the one man you’ll allow to get close to you. I know you quite well, Your Grace. Quite well, indeed.”
    “Oh, really?” she demanded, her nostrils flaring with ire. As she sucked air into her lungs, temper making her breath come faster, her bosom rose and fell in way that made Archer long to say something provoking just to see her react again.
    Why did she have to be so beautiful when she was angry? It was really quite unfair.
    “Do tell,” she continued, oblivious to the way her body was distracting him. “I cannot wait to hear your theory on Dunthorp. And my reasons for allowing him to pay me court. I’m sure it will be very enlightening.”
    He took one step closer, so close that when she inhaled the tips of her breasts touched his chest. “You chose him,” he said, leaning in almost until they were nose to nose, “because he can’t make you feel like this.”
    And then, despite all his careful planning, and all his rationalizations about waiting for just the right moment, Archer kissed her.
    *   *   *
    After all their hot words, Perdita

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