Unexpected Romance

Free Unexpected Romance by Asrai Devin

Book: Unexpected Romance by Asrai Devin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Asrai Devin
would have sex on the floor
or against the wall. And he was sure she didn't want her first time
to be like that. He wanted to make it special.
pushed the reminder that it was her first time out of his head.
much as I want you, I would be content to lay here all night kissing
you." He sat on the bed next to her. He'd forgotten how
nerve-racking it was to sleep with a woman he cared about. Usually,
his main concern was making sure his partner climaxed at least once
before he did.
nipped at her bottom lip. "I think we should get some clothing
started wiggling her arms out of her shirt. He helped her pull it
over her head, then removed his. She stopped and stared. "Okay,
I'm going to feel really inadequate now." She reached out and
let her fingers trace over the tattoo on his left pectoral, then down
over the rough waves of his abdomen.
have boobs, you win all the prizes. I have muscles. Boob are better
than muscles."
looked at her bra. She didn’t think she had anything
need that off as well," he said, reaching behind her and
flicking the clasp off. He pulled it down her arms. It dropped to the
aren't big or perky, nothing exciting about them."
covered them with his hands, fanning her nipples with his thumbs.
"They are perfect." He caught each nipple between his thumb
and finger and rolled them. She closed her eyes with a hiss of air.
"See how they respond. Perfect."
cock was ready. He closed his eyes and thought about Corey coming to
kick his ass in the morning. Nope, that didn’t help. He needed
to get his pants off, but then his feelings for her would be very
apparent. He weighed scaring her a little with the extreme discomfort
of his blood being cut off because of his erection.
let go of Tonya and stood. He unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them
to the floor. "Thank god," he said, staring down at her.
From her eyes to her knees and back again.
was busy staring at him as well. Where his erection distended his
underwear. He hoped keeping them on would reassure her that he meant
to go slow. He really meant to, hoped he could keep to that.
still have pants on." They reached for the button of hers at the
same time. He withdrew his hands. "You do it," he decided.
He watched her a moment then bent to help her tug them off her
stretched his body out beside her on the bed and kissed her. His hand
stroked her thigh, and he looked into her eyes. Seeing apprehension
and nervousness reflected, he reassured her. "We'll take it
slow. I promise nothing but pleasure."
nodded. He brushed his lips over hers, trying to slow his breathing.
He had to focus on her pleasure tonight, another night he would get
to downright fucking. Tonight was for Tonya.

felt relaxed as Chris stroked her breasts, kissed and sucked on her
nipples. Then he moved his attentions downward. She thought she might
jump of out of her skin with pleasure when his fingers brushed over
her thigh.
the idea of having sex with him made her wet. She could feel the damp
on her thighs when they pressed together. She shuddered from the
anticipation. Her body recalled how he'd made her feel last time and
it wanted more orgasms. Desperately. Repeatedly.
been dying her baser instincts for a long time. She shuddered as his
fingers traced her slit. Her breath caught in her throat and she
tried to say his name, but it came out as a moan.
opened her with his thumb, brushing over her clit. Intense pleasure
shot through her and her legs clamped together. He looked amused.
"You have to keep them apart," he whispered.
felt her face heat and she was it was fairly dark in the room. "I
know," she hissed back. "It was instinct. I guess."
smiled. "I can always tie you up. Then you can't move."
shook her head. With his gentle pressure on her thighs, she eased her
legs apart.
brushed over it again. She rocked her hips a little. Another jolt of

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