Just Three Words (Soho Loft Romances)

Free Just Three Words (Soho Loft Romances) by Melissa Brayden

Book: Just Three Words (Soho Loft Romances) by Melissa Brayden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Brayden
for the moving guys she’d sent over. Apparently she’d called in a favor and didn’t mind sharing the wealth with Hunter. All she asked was that they were tipped generously, and that she could do.
    “Where would you like this last one?” the six-foot-three, broad-shouldered one asked. He seemed like the type of guy most straight women drooled over. She had to give him credit, he was in shape.
    Hunter gestured to Brooklyn’s room—correction, her room—and handed off an envelope containing some cash for him and his two buddies, who must have already headed down to the truck.
    Mover guy wiped his forehead and smiled once he returned. “Thanks for this,” he said, holding up the envelope.
    “No problem. Can I get you guys a couple of waters for the road?” she asked.
    “That’d be awesome.” He followed her behind the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room, but honestly, the loft was just one big open space with the two bedrooms shooting off in either direction.
    Sam smiled at her knowingly from the sofa as Hunter handed off the waters.
    “I didn’t catch your first name,” mover guy said to Hunter.
    “’Cuz I didn’t offer it. But it’s Hunter.”
    “Jonathan. Here’s my card if you ever need anything.” She accepted the offering, wondering what exactly he hoped she might need. But he seemed like a genuine enough guy, and who could fault him for being a little friendly. “My number’s on the bottom corner. Call it for…whatever reason.”
    “A ride to the airport for my six a.m. flight?”
    He laughed. “Um, sure.”
    “Awesome.” She studied him in all seriousness. “Bail money?”
    “Why not?”
    “Advice on what to get my girlfriend for Valentine’s Day?”
    A pause. “Oh.” And now they were on the same page.
    “So not that last one, then?” Hunter winked at him. It was her way of letting him know she was just being playful. No hard feelings, buddy . “Thanks for the help today.”
    “No problem. You guys have a great afternoon.” He hesitated. “And sorry about the, um…”
    She shrugged. “Why? I thought it was fun.”
    Jonathan nodded, attempted a smile but was out the door rather fast. She hoped she hadn’t embarrassed him, but then again, he’d live. She turned to Sam, who regarded her with a twinkle in her eye.
    “What?” Hunter asked.
    Samantha rounded the counter and poked Hunter in the ribs as she passed, snagging a water of her own. “You have to stop that. The carnage is piling up.”
    “Stop what?”
    “The breaking of hearts. It’s inhumane.”
    “I would never break anyone’s heart. I love hearts. Especially girl hearts. And other aspects of the anatomy.”
    “Don’t you ever get tired of it?”
    “The dance. The flirting. The banter. You’re very good at it. I mean, I’ve been blown away at your skill level on more than one occasion, but I imagine it’s exhausting having all those girls, and okay, guys, too, figuring out what they can get from you.”
    “Uh-uh. I’m a giver.” She threw a playful smile that she punctuated with a raised eyebrow. “And now I’m your giving roommate. Surreal, huh?”
    Samantha laughed. “I’m happy you were able to move in. It saved me, you know.”
    “Yeah, but aren’t you just a little terrified right now of what the next year of your life, at the very least, is going to be like?”
    Samantha held her ground. “No way. You just moved in with about seven boxes. That’s about fifty-eight fewer than Brooklyn. I’m thinking you’re low maintenance, which I kind of don’t get because you have so many clothes it’s ridiculous.”
    “Correction. I wear a lot of different outfits. But I donate the old ones every six months or so. I like to keep things fresh and travel light.”
    “Kind of how you manage your women.”
    Hunter laughed. “Touché.”
    “At least you’re self-aware. And the clothes thing, who knew there was something I didn’t know about you after all these

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