Hawthorn. Spent half an hour last night on the phone discussing why you’re acting so crazy this week.”
    I grimaced as I scanned the hallway, already looking for Ethan. “Great. Just what I need, my boyfriend and my best friend conspiring behind my back.”
    “Come on, Liv,” Peter said. “Lighten up.”
    “Are you going to push me in a pool again if I don’t?”
    His smile wavered. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
    I sighed. “Let’s just forget it.”
    “I’m trying to, but you’re not letting me.”
    The air felt like it had chilled to arctic temperature around me in five seconds flat.
    “I have to go to class,” I said. “Helen, you coming?”
    “I’ll talk to you later, Peter.” I turned away and started walking down the hall while feeling him bleakly staring after me probably wondering why I was acting so strangely and why I’d only half-heartedly kissed him back this morning in the car.
    In English I took my seat like I always did, and sat there stiffly, nervously, keeping my full attention on the door until Ethan finally entered and our eyes met.
    But he broke our gazes almost immediately and went to his seat at the opposite corner of the class like this was any other day.
    Someone cleared their throat. It was Helen. I flicked a glance at her now seated in front of me.
    “A bit preoccupied?” she asked, glancing across the room.
    I tried to give Helen my full attention. “What?”
    She studied me, cocking her head to the side. “Something’s up with you, Liv. I thought it was kind of funny before, but now I’m starting to worry. What’s going on?”
    “Everything’s fine.”
    “No, it isn’t. Come on, tell me.”
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
    “You’ve been acting bizarre all week ever since my party.”
    “Have I?”
    “I think I know what this is all about.” She nodded gravely. “This is about your mother, isn’t it?”
    “My—” I chewed my bottom lip. “Sure, that’s it. My mother.”
    “I’m here for you. You know that, right?”
    “I know.” Helen had been there when things were really bad in the beginning. She’d been a total rock for me when I’d felt abandoned and unloved. She’d called every day, even when I hadn’t returned the calls. She’d even made cookies to cheer me up.
    She was a good friend, I didn’t deny it. But—I couldn’t deal with it now. She wanted to know everything. And, well, there were some things that I didn’t want to share with her or anyone, really.
    Better to make a little conversation so she would stop grilling me. “So you’ve been talking about me with Peter, huh?”
    “He called me last night,” she said, leaning closer so no one could hear us over the buzz of activity in the room as everyone got settled. “He thinks you’re still mad at him.”
    “For the pool thing? I’m over that.”
    “Didn’t sound like it a minute ago.”
    “I am. It’s ancient history.”
    “He’s worried that you’re thinking about dumping him. That maybe you’re interested in somebody else.”
    I forced myself to focus enough to sort through this conversation while trying to catch Ethan’s eye. “And he’s coming to you with these concerns instead of me, why?”
    She shrugged. “You haven’t replied to his texts. Mine either, for that matter.”
    “Sorry, my stupid phone’s been glitchy for the last week. I thought I told you that.”
    She studied me for a long moment before a smile stretched her cheeks. “Wait a minute. I think I’m starting to figure this out. This isn’t about your mom at all, is it? Peter’s right isn’t he? You’re interested in somebody else.”
    I cringed. “I don’t want to talk about this, Helen.”
    “Oh, my God! It’s true! You’re hot for somebody else.” She surveyed the classroom with a sweeping glance. “Who is it? And why haven’t you told me about him yet?”
    But before I could evade that question as best as I could, I

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