Honeymoon from Hell Part I
arms, but the stubborn jerk refused to stop.
    “ No,” he bit out with a determined glint in his eyes that was a little disturbing.
    “ You’re limping,” she pointed out, again. Although, at this point she wasn’t sure that limping fit anymore, not when it appeared as though he was now dragging his right leg behind him.
    “ It’s fine,” he gritted out between a clenched jaw as he continued his excruciatingly slow pace towards home.
    “ I can walk,” she argued, pretty sure that she could at least walk better than him at this point.
    “ No, I’m taking you home,” he argued, which wasn’t exactly surprising.
    Sighing, she shifted in his arms as they slowly turned the corner onto their street. “Why don’t you put me down so that we can take a look at your leg?”
    “ I’m fine.”
    Biting her bottom lip, she shifted so that she could squint over his shoulder. “I’m not a hundred percent positive, but I’m pretty sure that you’re leaving behind a trail of blood.”
    “ I’m taking you home,” he bit out, somehow managing to sound even more determined and kind of freaking her out just a bit.
    “ Jason, that puppy could have really done some dam-”
    “ It wasn’t a puppy!” he snapped.
    “ It sounded like a puppy,” she said with a slight shrug.
    “ It wasn’t a puppy! It was a large, vicious man-eating dog and it could have killed me!”
    “ Umm, I think the kitten did the most damage,” she felt obligated to point out as they slowly made their way past the house on the corner.
    “ It wasn’t a kitten!”
    “ But that’s what Mrs. Briars called it,” she pointed out helpfully.
    There was a slight pause before he said, “She lied. It was fucking huge.”
    “ And the post office worker who stopped to pull the kitten off your leg and called it the cutest kitten that he’d ever seen?” she asked, wondering why he had such a problem accepting the fact that he’d survived a baby animal attack.
    “ Fucking delusional,” he practically snarled as he tightened his grip around her and continued to hobble towards home, which brought up an interesting question.
    “ Umm, Jason?”
    “ Yeah?”
    “ Which house are we going to live in?”
    After another slight pause he asked, “Is there food in your fridge?”
    “ It’s packed full,” she said, wondering what that had to do with anything.
    “ Then your house,” he said, making her lips twitch.
    “ I see,” she murmured thoughtfully as she laid her head against his chest. “Can I ask you something?”
    “ It wasn’t a kitten!” he snapped defensively.
    “ Not that,” she said, rolling her eyes in exasperation, because really, this was just getting sad. “I was wondering what you meant about a curse.”
    “ Oh.”
    “ Are you going to tell me about it?” she asked, squinting up at his handsome face.
    “ Are you going to laugh?” he asked after a slight hesitation.
    “ Of course not!” she said on an outraged gasp, insulted that he thought so little of her. “I would never laugh at anything you told me.”
    “ Fine,” he said, sighing heavily before he admitted, “I think we’re cursed.”

Chapter 11
    “ I’m sorry!”
    “ We’re not speaking,” he reminded her as he focused on the long walkway in front of them that would bring this nightmare to an end.
    “ I thought you were joking!”
    “ You can tell the judge that when I file for divorce,” he bit out, ignoring the way that all those damn scratches stung as he forced himself to keep moving. Vicious little bastards, he thought bitterly, half-thinking about going down to the pound and adopting a puppy and kitten of his own just so that they could avenge him.
    “ Are we really back to this again?” she asked in a tone that he didn’t much care for.
    “ We never left.”
    “ Fine, then I get all your Yankees memorabilia in the divorce.”
    “ Fine, then I get to put a sex clause in our divorce settlement,” he said absently even as he decided to add

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