Tournament of Hearts

Free Tournament of Hearts by Alyssa Stark

Book: Tournament of Hearts by Alyssa Stark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyssa Stark
    “Aye,” Isobel said
with a soft smile.  She knew that she would think of nothing besides Tristan
until they met in the forest tomorrow.  Mayhap he would kiss her again.  The
mere thought of his gentle touch made her heart pound with anticipation,
beating a frantic rhythm in her chest.
    Tristan sat down
the cloth and reached for a small pot of salve.  Dipping a generous portion of
the ointment onto his finger, he covered the wound lightly and then wrapped a
clean strip of linen around Isobel’s shoulder.
    “All better,” he
said huskily as he leaned forward and inspected the bandage.  Being sure that
the guards were not looking, he leaned closer and placed a kiss on Isobel’s
cheek.  The roughness of his whiskers sent delicious shivers down her spine.
    “Be careful,” he
whispered against her neck as he fumbled with the bandage.  His breath was warm
and comforting against her skin.
    “Aye,” Isobel said
coolly.  The light touch of Tristan’s lips against her skin had made it
difficult to breathe.
    She wanted nothing
more than for him to fold her into his protective embrace and hold her.  She
wanted to fist her hands into the clean linen of his shirt and inhale his
familiar masculine scent. 
    But all of these
things that she wanted were impossible now.  The McLaughlin men watched
Isobel’s every move.  She knew that she must go even though she wanted nothing
more than to stay in Tristan’s company.  Silently, Isobel admitted to herself
that she wanted more than just his company.  She wanted him to kiss her again.
    She said the word
over and over again in her mind.
    I’ll see you
    The promise of
seeing Tristan, of feeling his lips on hers again built hope in her heart.
    Until tomorrow. 
We can be together again tomorrow.
    Her eyes locked
with his.
    Tristan saw
longing in her sky blue depths.  The corner of his mouth turned up into the
barest hint of a smile.  He was pleased to discover that Isobel was having she
same scandalous thoughts as he was.  His fingers ached to touch her again and
he saw a longing that mirrored his own deep within Isobel’s eyes.
    “Go to them,
sweetheart,” he whispered. His voice was deep and sultry.
    “Aye,” Isobel whispered
as she extended her hand.
    Tristan took her
outstretched hand readily, enveloping it within the warmth of his own.  He
raised her knuckles to his lips and placed a kiss there, causing Isobel’s
breath to come rapidly.  Allowing his lips to touch her skin a moment longer
than was proper, Tristan withdrew his lips reluctantly, then raised up and
    “Go now, milady. 
For I canna control myself much longer,” he said with a playful wink.  He
released Isobel’s hand and motioned for her to rejoin the McLaughlin men.  “You
must go now, Bella.”
    Isobel smiled and
looked into Tristan’s wanting eyes.  He had called her “Bella.”  The sweetness
of the endearment nearly melted her heart.
    His hazel eyes
told Isobel everything that she needed to know.  Tristan felt the same burning
desire that she did.  As Isobel walked, knees shaking towards her guards, she
realized that she wanted Tristan Finnegan more than she had ever wanted
anything in her life.

..oo      Chapter Eight     oo..
    “I’ve news for
you, son,” Hector Cameron said as he clapped Rogan on the shoulder and offered
his only son a mug of ale.
    “Aye?” Rogan said
tiredly.  He loosened the straps of his breast plate and ran his fingers
through his dirt crusted hair before taking a drink.  He took an enormous gulp
of ale, thinking that it must have been the best that he’d ever tasted.  Rogan
was bone tired from the raid on the Grants.  He wanted naught more than another
mug of this delicious ale and the welcome sight of his bed.
    Hector leaned
close to his son’s ear.  His eyes darted around the great hall to ensure that
no one in the bustling room was listening to their conversation.
    “The Laird

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