
Free Savior by Laury Falter

Book: Savior by Laury Falter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laury Falter
people legends had slated as their saviors. And, despite her attempt to oust us, I felt empathy for her.
    “Leave at first light,” called someone else from the back corner.
    “No, now!” said another.
    Suddenly, the room came alive with chaos, shouts overlapping each other, people springing to their feet.
    I hadn’t become aware of them yet, but my family and the Caldwells were also in the room. They immediately stepped forward in unity to defend Jameson should he need it.
    Jameson, who was struggling to be heard over the roar, bellowed across the room. “BY LEAVING WE ENDANGER YOU !”
    His announcement silenced some, though not all.
    “That’s a lie!” a fair-skinned man in the back yelled, even though the noise level in the room had lowered considerably.
    “Jameson does not lie!”
    I marched farther into the room before realizing I had spoken those words out loud. Heads turned and I found myself the center of attention. In staunch defense of Jameson, I stared them down, one by one, as the next words left my lips, daring them to disagree.
    “Has anyone ever known Jameson to lie?” I asked, immediately demanding an answer, my voice laced with fury. “Anyone? No? Then let him speak. Don’t lie to convince others to believe you," I directed my gaze at the man who had made that same judgment about Jameson. “Let him speak." I didn’t bother moving from the center of the room when I finished, remaining in place as a show of confidence. When I nodded for Jameson to continue, one side of his mouth was turned up in a proud grin, although it straightened out when he began speaking.
    “By leaving, we endanger you,” he repeated, evidently trying to drive home his message and ensure no one had forgotten his warning. “If you’re concerned about what will happen if they return and we are here, consider what happens if we are not. Theleo will not be available to lift you to safety. Jocelyn will not be able to heal you. And, don’t fool yourselves, they can return for any reason, at any time. You are at their whim, and being in that position leaves you open, vulnerable.”
    Gradually, the bleak expressions around the room began to falter. I saw angry faces give way to compliance after contemplating his words. Jameson was getting through to them by merely stating the truth.
    “None of us are safe. We never will be. We will live our lives in fear that the Vires will return, now and until the moment of our death. And they will return…,” he stated bluntly, “…for one reason or another. And we will remain defenseless to whatever destruction they want to inflict on us.”
    He paused, surveying the now hushed room. I couldn't quite figure out what he was thinking until he started speaking again. The courage he exuded came through in his speech, causing goose bumps to rise on my arms and a feeling of rebellion in everyone else.
    “What we haven’t come to terms with yet is…this is our world. We have been born with special powers, and we have every right to use them. We have every right to live without fear of false justice…without fear of corrupt governance…without the worry that we will end up here , imprisoned because we hold information that The Sevens don’t want released.”
    Heads began to nod. Jaws clamped shut. Fists opened and closed. Gradually, their anger redirected, landing on the ones who had put them here in the first place.
    The fear that oppressed them for so long, outweighing all other matters in life, began to disintegrate, making way for a new idea on life…one shaped by their desires and fueled by the fulfillment of their dreams. Nervous smiles flashed across the faces in front of us; chests expanded and chins rose up, proudly. Having their fears removed allowed another feeling to pour in, one set in place by Jameson.
    He looked in my direction while continuing to address the room, but only after he began to voice his thoughts did I understand his gesture.
    “Jocelyn told me tonight

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