Beelzebub Girl

Free Beelzebub Girl by Jayde Scott

Book: Beelzebub Girl by Jayde Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayde Scott
embarrassing me, making me seem like a tart, but he changed the subject. "Dinner must be ready by now.
    Care to join us?"
    From the corner of my eye, I noticed the Omnidus scurry through the connecting door into the adjoining kitchen. I grabbed Dallas's arm again and dragged him to the decked table. Our best china and silver shimmered in the dim light of the candelabra; three glass vases with red tulips, simple yet chic, built a beautiful contrast to the white brocade tablecloth.
    "This is nice," I whispered. Dad winked, smiling. Maybe having the Omnidus around was a slip-up and he didn't mean to sabotage my relationship. Dad poured cranberry juice into three glasses and handed us one.
    Dallas took a sip, insecure, as Dad focused his gaze on him. I knew this look. He was about to start the interrogation. He might as well strap Dallas to a lie detector and give him a polygraph test. As much as I would've liked to help the love of my life this was one battle he had to fight for himself. If not, Dad would never take him seriously.
    Eager to give them a minute alone, I got up mumbling, "I'll see about dinner. Be right back."
    Dad nodded, but didn't look at me. I headed out the door, tuning in to the conversation, which started almost as soon as I closed the door behind me.
    "So, how do you like it here in California ?" Dad emphasised the last word like it was Chinese.
    "It's nice. I've been here before."
    "You're a well-travelled man then?" Dad asked.
    "From one side of the globe to the other," Dallas said. "I've even climbed the Andean mountains for thirty five miles in Peru to the fortress of Machu Picchu."
    "That's one of the Seven Wonders of the World," I said, impressed, leaning forward over the table, careful that my dry hair wouldn’t catch fire. "The Incas started building that around AD 1400.
    The Inca king, Tupaq Amaru, kidnapped my Aunt Krista for a virgin sacrifice in one of those temples without noticing she wasn't much of a virgin. Dad sent the Spanish on them who won in the end."
    Dad grinned. "I was so proud of myself until I realised I had just wiped out an entire civilization."
    I snorted. "How can anyone be proud of starting a war?" My gaze wandered from Dad's amused face to Dallas's questioning look when it dawned on me. Oops, I'd slipped. I burst out in a fit of laughter. "Just kidding."
    "We almost had him," Dad said, trying to cover up for me.
    Dallas laughed. "You two are such a riot."
    "See, Dad? Dallas has been everywhere," I said, changing the subject. Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one to return to the topic at hand.
    "You're a nomad?" I could hear the accusation in Dad's voice.
    "I wouldn't call myself that, sir. I'd love to settle down one day."
    Settling down? Dallas was digging himself an early grave here.
    Sucking in my breath, I signalled the Omnidus to bring over the cart with the first course. He bowed deeply, then scampered away. I pulled the door open, smiling. "Who's ready for the first course? I don't know about you, but I'm starving."
    "Dallas was about to tell me his plans for the future," Dad said.
    "Isn't that interesting?"
    I nodded and lifted the lids off the serving dishes. "Uh-uh. We have smoked salmon and salad. Yum."
    Dad started shoving food onto Dallas's plate. Either he tried to fatten Dallas up like a Christmas goose, or it was an attempt at challenging his stomach's capacity until he threw up across the rug and made a dash for the nearest exit, too mortified to ever see me again.
    I wouldn't have any of it, so I grabbed the plate out of Dad's hand and placed it in front of me, then handed Dallas my own plate. "Thanks, Dad. You're a star."
    A fake smile spread across his lips as he helped himself to a few slices of salmon. "You're welcome, sweetie." I dug in even though I wasn't hungry. Dad resumed the conversation. "Did Cass tell you she'd be leading our most important advertising campaign to date?"
    "Really?" Dallas nodded and shot me a crooked smile. "That's

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