Tit for Tat Baby

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Book: Tit for Tat Baby by Sabel Simmons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sabel Simmons
    Jenna informed Ronan that she was
going into town to explore on Saturday after breakfast, which she ate
alone.  Callum apparently went jogging and indicated he would have
breakfast later.  Jenna was relieved.  His brooding eyes were on her
all the time and he was back to his old grumpy, arrogant self.
    She drove around town and just enjoyed
exploring. She walked through the Newtown Abby Superstore, from there she
explored the Valley Leisure Centre.  She bought a sandwich, fruit and
juice and went to the Hazel bank Park and found a bench to sit and relax. 
She ate her lunch and gazed out to the sea.  She took out her sketchbook
and sat drawing the dragon and fairy the twins asked her for.  When a
church bell chimed in the background, she realized with a start that it was
already six o’clock.  She quickly packed everything away and was soon on her
way back to the castle.
    Callum was just getting into his Aston
Martin One sports car when she drove up the driveway and parked the
rental.  He slammed the door shut and she winced.  He stomped around
the car and flung the door open.
    “Where the hell have you been all
    “I … Ronan knew where I was.”
    “Exploring yes!  Why did you not
answer your phone?”
    “Ehm … probably because I don’t have
it with me.”
    “Probably?  Do you or don’t you
have it with you?”
    “I don’t.  I tend to leave my
cell all over the place and forget about it.”
    “That is very irresponsible.  You
can’t just drive off in a strange city without being contactable!  What if
something happened?”
    “Were you on your way somewhere,
honeybuns?  Please don’t let me keep you.”
    “Yes … I was on my way to look for
you!  I don’t know why the hell I even bothered to worry!  You
clearly couldn’t care less!”
    She gaped at him.  She turned
sideways and dropped her legs out of the car and he stepped back.  She got
out and he towered over her.  She had to twist her head back to look up at
    “I am sorry.  I am not used to
reporting my every move!
    “Did you meet your Titanic toy boy?”
    Jenna was flabbergasted at the anger
that tightened his whole body and flashed from his eyes.
    “That, McGregor, is none of your
    She took a step sideways with the
intention of walking around him, but he followed, his eyes shooting arrows at
    “I am making it my business.”
    She humpfh’d and crossed her arms over
her chest and glared at him.
    “I am hungry, would you please let me
pass?  Or are we going to stand here until I pass out?”
    His grin was arrogant.  He leaned
closer and said against her lips.
    “Before this night is over, little
painter … you will tell me.”
    He turned and strolled away and
disappeared through the front door with Jenna gaping after him.  She did
not like the veiled threat.  Her stomach cramped with nervousness.

ate dinner alone.  Callum caught up on the work he lost pacing the whole afternoon
worrying about the damn painter girl … woman.  He did not bother to try
and decipher the anger at the thought that she might have spent the day with
the young man he saw her with at the Titanic museum.
    Ronan walked in with a tray and his
dinner.  He mumbled under his breath, but loud enough for Callum to hear.
    “No’ righ’ that the little Lassie eat
alone every nigh’.”
    He plonked the tray on his desk with a
loud bang and scowled at Callum.
    “Anythin’ else, Laddy?”
    “I don’t think I dare ask.”
    “What yer mumblin’, Laddy?”
    “No thanks, Ronan.  I am
fine.  Thanks for dinner.”
    He turned and mumbled on his way out.
    “Should ‘ave let yer starve.”
    Callum smiled and pulled the tray
closer.  Seems the little painter found a protector.  He finished his
dinner and devoted another two hours going through his e-mails.  He
frowned reading the mail from Giles Hannon, his business associate in
Australia.  The extended trip he

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