Tit for Tat Baby

Free Tit for Tat Baby by Sabel Simmons

Book: Tit for Tat Baby by Sabel Simmons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sabel Simmons
the best businessmen there is, but in the
corporate world he is known as ruthless, but also a man of integrity and
honesty.  Not many people would oppose him.  He is said to be a force
to be reckoned with.”
    You can say that again!
    Jenna cleaned the sponge and pressed
all the excess water out and left it out to dry.
    “Are you sure you’re okay,
Jenna?  You look a bit pale.”
    Jenna groaned softly when Callum
walked in just as Megan asked the question and he looked at her searchingly,
his jaw rigid.
    “I always get a bit of a headache when
I work with this soap solution.  I should ideally wear a mask, but I tend
to forget.”
    “Are you sure it is only the
    Jenna glared at Callum and felt like
throwing him with the wet sponge.  Megan noticed the secret message
between them and wondered for the first time what Callum did to Jenna when she
left the Ballroom.
    “Yes, I am sure!”
    His eyes narrowed on her and his lips
flattened.  He looked at Megan.
    “Are you planning on sleeping over,
Megs?  It is already quite late.”
    “Well, I guess that is a direct hint
that it is time for me to leave.  I am on my way.  Liam has already
collected the twins from their playgroup.  We are going to his parents for
the weekend.  I hope your headache clears soon Jenna and don’t work too
hard.  And you … leave her be.  She can’t work if you hover over her
the whole day.”
    Callum raised his eyebrows at his
sister and she tsk’ed at him as she walked out the door.  His eyes
immediately caught Jenna’s again.
    “I am taking you to the doctor.”
    “Oh for heaven sake!  I really do
have a headache.”
    “I don’t believe you.”
    He walked closer and picked her up in
his arms and started walking to the door.
    “You are not serious!  Put me
down, McGregor!”
    “I am taking you to the doctor!”
    “Please Callum, I don’t want to go!”
    “You’re hurt, Baby. We need to have it
looked at.”
    Her heart tingled at the easy way baby
fell from his lips.
    “Callum, please.  It is going to
be too embarrassing.  I promise it is the headache more than … that I am
suffering from at the moment.”
      “Fine, then I am taking you to
your room for a nap.”
    She sighed and resignedly looped her
arms around his neck.  He ran up the stairs as if she weighed nothing at
all and was not even breathing hard when he lowered her on the bed.
    “Where are your pain tablets?”
    “On the dressing table.”
    He poured some water from the carafe
on the corner desk and handed her two tablets and the glass.  She
swallowed them down and lay down, watching him as he carried the glass back to
the corner table.  He walked back to her and stood looking down at
her.  He frowned, then turned and walked to the walk in cupboard.  He
returned with one of her large oversized tee-shirts.
    “Put this on.  The smell of the
soap solution is on your clothes.”
    She did not even think about that, but
realized he was right and if she wanted to be rid of the headache, she would
have to change.  She took the shirt.
    “Thank you.”
    He remained next to the bed and she
glared at him.
    “You can go, Callum.  I will
change once you have.”
    “It’s not as though I haven’t seen you
naked, Baby.”
    She blushed and he chuckled. 
Amazed that she blushed after he carried her around naked and examined her
intimately.  He leaned over and took her lips in an intimate passionate
kiss.  She was still breathing hard when he closed the door behind him.
closed her eyes.  This had to stop.  No matter how much her body
craved his touch and his kisses, she could not allow this to continue. 
She was here to do a job.  She would just have to stay out of his way and
make sure there were no further temptations that could end up as it did that
predicted Jenna was much better the following day and by Saturday did not even
wince anymore.  Callum could relax and spent most of the weekend working
in his

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