Sold on You

Free Sold on You by Sophia Knightly

Book: Sold on You by Sophia Knightly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Knightly
hand. "Yes, I am. And who are you?"
    "Nicole Harrison."

    Chapter 6

    "I'm Mrs. Calderon. How do you do?" Abuelita Coqui said, ushering her into the living room.
    "It's a pleasure meeting you."
    "I'm a close friend of your grandson's." Nicole looked around. "Is he here?"
    "Yes, he's in the kitchen. Follow me."
    With the champagne bottle in hand, Nicole followed Abuelita Coqui.
    "Look who's here," Abuelita Coqui announced when they approached the kitchen entrance.
    Marcos and Gabriela turned their attention toward Abuelita Coqui and met Nicole's arrival with joint shocked expressions.
    Marcos shot up from his seat, realizing that he had neglected to advise Nicole that his grandmother would be staying on for a few days. The original plan had been for Gabriela to be finished with their weekend date after brunch, thereby leaving him free for his date with Nicole.
    Nicole greeted Marcos with a chilly smile. "Hello. I thought you might enjoy this with your grandmother." She handed him the champagne and pointedly ignored Gabriela.
    "Thanks." Marcos turned to his grandmother. "Abuelita, this is Dr. Nicole Harrison. She's a colleague and friend of mine."
    Abuelita Coqui smiled shrewdly. "Yes, we've already introduced ourselves." She turned to Gabriela. "You do know Nicole, don't you?"
    "Yes, of course. Would you like to join us for dinner, Nicole?" Gabriela asked, directing a sly smile toward Marcos.
    What was Gabriela up to? Marcos' eyes bulged at her in disapproval. He felt like wringing her neck for inviting Nicole to join them. To make things worse, his grandmother seemed to like the preposterous idea.
    "You must stay for dinner. Gabrielita has prepared a delicious meal," Abuelita Coqui said enthusiastically.
    Nicole glanced at Marcos. "Oh, I couldn't possibly intrude on a family dinner."
    "You're not intruding. We can toast to Marcos and Gabriela's engagement with the lovely champagne you brought," Abuelita Coqui said pleasantly.
    Nicole ignored the silent plea Marcos issued with his eyes. "Their engagement? Oh, by all means then," she drawled, giving him a spiteful look.
    Surrounded by three determined women, he knew that he couldn't object without sounding rude and offending Nicole. Not offending Nicole wasn't his only priority, he decided when he noticed a jealous flare in her blue eyes as she assessed Gabriela. He needed a way out. ASAP!
    In a flurry of activity, Gabriela and Abuelita Coqui carried platters of food into the dining room and placed an additional setting for Nicole. Before long, Marcos sat at the round table across from his grandmother, flanked on either side by Nicole and Gabriela.
    In contrast to her previously serious mood, Gabriela was smiling broadly as she served everyone her pasta. Abuelita Coqui seemed to be in a particularly upbeat mood, too. So he was the only one not enjoying their little party, he thought to himself, disgruntled by the turn of events.
    After offering a roll to Gabriela and Nicole, Abuelita Coqui handed Marcos the breadbasket. "Would you like a roll?"
    Just as he reached for one, Marcos felt Nicole's hand descend on his upper thigh and he gulped. When she squeezed lightly, he shouted, "No!" and tossed the roll into the basket.
    Abuelita Coqui's eyes widened in alarm. "What's wrong? Was it too hot?"
    Marcos stood abruptly. "I forgot the wine."
    "No, you didn't," Nicole said. "It's right here beside me."
    "Oh," he growled, sitting down again.
    When he felt Nicole's hand return to his thigh, he reached underneath the tablecloth and firmly removed it. Eyebrows drawn together above stern eyes, he gave a disapproving shake of his head in her direction.
    Nicole made a face and simply shrugged her thin shoulders as she took a sip of wine.
    "Gabriela, what a delicious meal! The grouper is wonderful. Everything is. Isn't it Marcos?" Abuelita Coqui prompted.
    Marcos choked on the wine. "Wha—what did you say?" he sputtered, shocked when Gabriela's soft foot slid

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