Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Free Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) by Carolina Barbour

Book: Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) by Carolina Barbour Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolina Barbour
if she breathed the words dulcet and husky while they lay entwined in a lover’s embrace. Aware all eyes were on him, he gathered his reserve to fight against the streaks of desire shimmering through him, and prayed his expression remained placid.
    Channing stepped forward. He noticed tension firmed his body, enough he sensed it, leaving him to wonder if he failed the attempt at casualness. “Noor, this is my father, Mortimer Deverill.”
    Mortimer removed his Stetson and leather gloves, strolled toward him with his hand extended. Noor froze, the air in his lungs constricted. It was all he could do to focus on the man and not Allura. No, she wasn’t just Allura anymore, but the legacy to the Oridus throne. With that, everything changed about the mission except the constant pang inside him to touch her. The feeling raw, an intense longing, even knowing what he did and how it changed the dynamics of this insatiable hunger he had for her. He would have thought commonsense would prevail. As he reached for Mortimer’s hand, harshly he reminded himself the agency came first, and he steered his thoughts into a more sensible mindset. He couldn’t afford to jeopardize the assignment with the eminent threat to Sanguine apparent.
    “Noor, I’m glad you’re here so I can thank you personally, even though I know Channing expressed his gratitude eloquently. You will stay for a while and visit, and allow us to get to know the man responsible for saving our son’s life,” Mortimer said.
    He saw Mortimer’s forehead crease into a wrinkle, his eyes squinted, watching him expectantly, and he realized a question was obviously somewhere in his comment. For the life of him, he hadn’t heard a damned word past learning who Allura was.
    Allura touched his arm slightly, furthering his decent into lustful madness that did nothing for his current lapse. She spoke while looking up at him, saying, “Mother extended an invitation for Noor to stay, and I believe he accepted. Didn’t you, Noor?” When he merely stared at her, she raised an eyebrow, prodding him to say something.
    He blinked to break the trance. “Thank you for the generous offer, sir. I accept.”
    “I asked Consuela to bring refreshments. I will check on what delays her while everyone gets acquainted,” Fawn said. She stood up, running her hand over the wrinkles in the camel hue skirt that fell and swirled around her laced tan boots. Her stride regal, she carried her height with grace as she walked over to Mortimer, who reached for her hand and enclosed it in his. “Or would you like to delay until supper this evening, dear?”
    He affectionately kissed her knuckles. Warmth filled his eyes, and it was clear they were enamored with each other. “Whatever you feel is appropriate.”
    Fawn tore her gaze away from him, saying, “We should wait until this evening to allow us all to freshen up. It’s been a long and tedious day, has it not? Allura, please go with Noor while he retrieves his things and show him to the guest quarters.”
    “I will do it,” Channing said. He positioned himself between him and Allura, intentionally creating a barrier that said he didn’t want Noor and Allura alone.
    Mortimer spoke in a low tone that did nothing to disguise he was serious about what he was about to say and disagreement was unacceptable. “Your sister will show Noor to his room, as your mother directed. You and I will have a quick meeting before I retire upstairs to wash this dust off me. Matt Graham has made some severe allegations where you and Caroline are concerned. Not that I believe the man as far as I can see him, but as your father, my responsibility is to listen to his haranguing about the delicate matter because it involves his daughter. If this involved Allura, etiquette would require we put our differences aside and discuss the circumstances amicably.”
    Fawn touched his arm, drawing his attention. “Allura would never be in Caroline’s predicament, dear,” she

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