Experiencing God at Home

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Book: Experiencing God at Home by Richard Blackaby, Tom Blackaby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard Blackaby, Tom Blackaby
Tags: Family, Christian Life
Bible says, “The L ord spoke with Moses face to face, just as a man speaks with his friend” (Exod. 33:11 hcsb ). The most important thing that is said in prayer is not what you state but what God declares! He already knows what you are going to tell Him. On the other hand, you have no idea what He might say to you. Prayer is not primarily a time for you to convince God to do something about your concerns. Rather, it is a sacred moment when God impresses upon your heart that which is on His heart. It is when God opens your understanding to what He knows is important and when He guides your life into the direction He intends for you to go. Prayer is not a boring religious exercise, nor is it a self-indulgent litany of our concerns. It is an opportunity to draw near to God and to hear His thoughts. What an amazing invitation!
    God speaks through the circumstances of life.
    God is capable of speaking to you through any circumstance in your life. At times we can neglect to read our Bible or to pray, but it is more difficult to avoid our life’s circumstances! God does not necessarily cause every situation in our life, but He certainly will use them.
    For example, a job offer and a chance encounter with a friend are circumstances. So is being downsized at work or being diagnosed with a tumor. Apart from hearing from God, these situations can appear to be wonderful or devastating. However, only as we hear from God can we truly understand our life’s circumstances. For example, losing our job typically appears to be negative: how will I make my house payment? Where will I find another job? But God may intend to use that experience to build humility and faith into your life to a degree you never knew before. Perhaps God wants to demonstrate the extremely practical ways He can provide for your needs. Losing your job could be one of the greatest things to ever happen in your Christian life. That is why it is crucial for you to hear God’s voice in the midst of your life’s circumstances.
    Sometimes it may appear as if doors of opportunity are closing before you. Yet, you cannot know that for sure unless you hear from God. Likewise, just because a door appears “open,” it does not mean you should walk through it. You must seek a word from God.
    There are many circumstances you may face for which there is no Scripture verse that speaks directly to the issue. That is when you must rely on the Holy Spirit to take Scripture and apply it specifically to your situation. When you learn to live with your spiritual eyes wide open, you will see the mighty hand of God at work all around you.
    God speaks through the church body.
    We are individuals, but we were not designed to live a solitary life. God did not create us to be independent but interdependent. God intends for every Christian to join a body of believers called the Church (1 Cor. 12:12–31). If you were designed to be an eye, then you need to share what you are seeing with the other members of the body. If you were made to be an ear, you must heed what the eye tells you it is seeing. You cannot know fully God’s will for your life if you are not relating closely to other believers.
    Jesus said we must be careful how we treat other Christians because He resides within each one (John 13:20). Because Christ resides within every believer, it is possible to hear from Christ every time you talk to another Christian. At times you can become so enmeshed in the circumstances of your life that you no longer have a clear perspective. God may send another believer to share a clear word with you that helps you know God’s view of your situation (2 Sam. 12:7). Be certain you maintain close relationships with other believers through whom God can send you a clear, timely message.
    Reality 5. God’s Invitation for You to Work with Him Always Leads You to a Crisis of Belief That Requires Faith and Action
    When almighty God shares His heart with a creature of dust, it is going to cause a

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