Experiencing God at Home

Free Experiencing God at Home by Richard Blackaby, Tom Blackaby

Book: Experiencing God at Home by Richard Blackaby, Tom Blackaby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard Blackaby, Tom Blackaby
Tags: Family, Christian Life
relationship with Him (John 1:12; 3:18). God’s ultimate expression of love for us came when Christ made the supreme sacrifice for our sins.
We should never question God’s love for us because that was settled once and for all on the cross.
We should never question whether or not God’s plan for us is in our best interest since He only acts toward us in ways that reflect perfect love.
    Even when God’s own people repeatedly forsook and rejected Him, He never abandoned them. Rather, God drew them back to Himself by His love. He redirected them from harm through His discipline. He provided second, third, and fourth chances through His undeterred forgiveness. God is not satisfied until people love Him with all of their heart (Mark 12:30).
    God could have created human beings with the same capacity for love as lizards, cows, or vultures. Instead, God built within each of us the innate desire to love and to be loved. He created within us a need that only He can meet. That’s why, when we are sinning and out of fellowship with God, we cannot find contentment or experience true joy. Only when we love God and others are we living as God intended. How heartbreaking for God to offer so much and yet for us to ignore or reject His love (Jer. 7:13). You may be like many others who were taught to be religious but not to enjoy a love relationship with Christ. If that is the case, don’t rest until you are experiencing the infinite joy that comes from loving God with all of your heart.
    Reality 3. God Invites You to Become Involved with Him in His Work
    The basis of any healthy relationship is the time that two people spend relating to one another. God is not content for you to believe in Him or to worship Him from afar. He wants to relate to you personally . God is not merely a doctrine to believe; He is a Person who wants you to become involved with Him in His eternal work.
    God knows what is at stake for people who never hear about Him or who choose not to follow Him (John 3:16). Therefore, He works with a sense of urgency to redeem those who are living apart from Him. If you love God, you will share His heart. What concerns Him will concern you. And, as you relate personally to God, He will reveal His will to you. Jesus said to His disciples: “No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15). The closer we draw to Christ, the more we learn about what is on His heart.
    As God works in the world around you, He will invite you to join in His activity. He will invite you to become His hands and feet by which He reaches out to other people (Rom. 10:14–15). When God reveals to you what He is doing in someone’s life, that is His invitation for you to join in His activity. This is the way God worked throughout the Bible:
God invited Adam to participate in the naming and subjugation of the animal kingdom He had created (Gen. 2:19–20).
God asked Noah to adjust his family to the cataclysmic judgment He was bringing upon the earth (Gen. 6:13–22).
God invited Abraham to leave his country and to join God’s activity in creating a holy people (Gen. 12:1–3).
God invited Moses to leave his shepherding business and to join Him in freeing a nation from slavery (Exod. 3–4).
God invited Joshua to join Him in claiming the Promised Land for His people (Josh. 1:1–9).
God invited Mary and Joseph to participate in raising the Messiah (Matt. 1:20–25; Luke 1:26–38).
God invited fishermen to join His redemptive work (Mark 1:16–20).
God invited Paul to join Him in taking the gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 26:12–18).
    God continues to invite people to join Him in His activity. If you keep your spiritual senses alert, you might be surprised at where God is working in your world and how He wants you to become involved!
    Reality 4. God Speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, Prayer,

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