Zed's Dishonest Mate

Free Zed's Dishonest Mate by Sydney Lain

Book: Zed's Dishonest Mate by Sydney Lain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sydney Lain
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
his cock exploded was in dreams he never remembered.
    Zed didn’t stop. He pushed Luka leg’s apart and sat in between them. Zed’s hands rubbed both balls as his mouth sucked his hard cock. One hand moved underneath and rubbed at his sensitive opening.
    Luka stiffened at the fast pace.
    “Relax. No penetration,” Zed reassured.
    He moaned half with desire and half with disappointment. He wanted Zed to claim him and show the world he belonged to the vampire prince. Zed rubbed his opening as he bit and sucked on his balls. It was all too much. His fingers grabbed at Zed’s dark hair. He held on as the climax approached. Zed moved back to his sensitive tip. He sucked on it, taking the entire length in his mouth. Then he moved down. Soon Zed’s head bobbed up and down. His brown eyes locked with his eyes. The dark gaze burned more than the blowjob. The finger stopped rubbing his hole and the tip pushed slightly in. Zed sucked him hard and fast. Luka groaned as his cock exploded in his mate’s mouth. The vampire prince licked his cock clean, sucking up every drop of cum.
    Luka couldn’t move.
    “I want to bite around your knee and hip. With my saliva inside your body, it will help heal the worst of your wounds and lessen the pain. But, you need to agree first.”
    Luka looked into Zed’s eyes. He nodded. Zed didn’t have to ask. He was powerful enough to do whatever he wanted.
    “Yes, please take care of it.” He sounded so needy. Quickly, he added, “If you want. It doesn’t matter to me.”
    Zed moved down his leg and bit into the flesh just above the knee. Luka felt his cock stir to life again. He wanted to beg Zed for more, but he didn’t want to seem greedy or demanding. Zed already had a low opinion of him.
    Zed licked the wound with his tongue and then slowly moved up Luka’s naked leg.
    Luka bent his knee. The pain was gone. “Thank you.”
    Zed placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. “You’re still not allowed to leave the bed.” The vampire moved to stand.
    “Wait,” Luka called out. He didn’t want to be selfish. Someone that took pleasure without returning the favor, but he didn’t know how to ask. “What about you?” he finally asked.
    “What about me?” Zed arched an eyebrow up. The smirk on his face revealed the vampire was enjoying Luka’s uncertainty.
    “Don’t you need release?” Luka asked, looking away.
    “If you want to suck my cock, then ask,” Zed said with an amused tone.
    Luka’s face flushed. He quickly looked away from the large bulge in Zed’s pants. “Who wants to do something like that?” The lie flowed easily from his mouth. “I mean you helped me. It’s only right that I help you.” Luka licked his lips. He wanted to take Zed’s stiff shaft into his mouth.
    Zed moved closer and whispered into Luka’s ear. “Liar, but when you work up the courage, I’ll let you suck my cock. Then I’ll fuck your mouth.”
    Luka hissed.
    Zed rubbed his cheek. “Oh, and I won’t fuck your tight ass until you admit you want it. No matter how much your body begs for my fat cock.”
    Luka shook his head. “I will never ask for sex.” His body shivered with desire. He was so close to begging Zed to stuff his ass and fill him.
    Zed leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Rest, your body needs sleep to finish repairing the damage.”
    “I just woke up.” As Luka said the words, he felt the energy drain out of him.
    “My saliva makes you sleepy as it repairs the damage. While you sleep, I have to go out and then I’ll prepare lunch. Do you have any requests?”
    “You’re leaving.”
    “I have something to do. Bishop will be here if you need him, but you’ll be sleeping.”
    Luka nodded. He didn’t want Zed to go, but that would have been selfish. Instead, he changed the subject. “You can cook?”
    “No, I’m going to order out. Other than meat are there other foods you won’t eat?”
    “I don’t think so,” Luka said. He yawned as he tried to stay

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