Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star

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Book: Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star by Heather Lynn Rigaud Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Lynn Rigaud
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, music
it’s foolish; it’s just, I have no control over the plane, and it terrifies me for some reason.”
    “It’s not foolish. I totally understand.”
    “You aren’t afraid,” she challenged him weakly.
    “I used to be,” he spoke softly in her ear. “I was so afraid of flying I couldn’t travel.” He grinned for a moment. “And for a California boy, that’s no good. I knew I had to beat it, so I took flying lessons. Even got my pilot’s license.” He shrugged against her. “It helped me feel not so out of control.”
    “Really?” she asked as she pulled back enough to look at his face.
    He grinned. “Really, that’s why I told you to trust me. I won’t let anything happen to you, Jane.” He stared into her eyes for a long time, until the plane started moving again and Jane’s face turned white with fear.
    Charles pulled her close and held her tightly, his head beside hers. “We are just getting into position and waiting for the signal to take off. Once we are up and cruising, you won’t be so scared.” His voice was calm and reasonable. “Now I want you to talk to me. Tell me anything you want to about yourself, and I will listen, completely fascinated. I promise.”
    Jane closed her eyes and even chuckled once, which produced a relieved grin on Charles’s face. “Have you always sung, Jane?” he asked, his voice soft and warm in her ear.
    “Yes,” she whispered into his ear, “always. Even when I was a little girl, my father would play piano and I would sing duets with him.”
    Charles nodded, rubbing her back and encouraging her to go on. “When did you start writing songs?”
    “When I was in middle school.” She told him in a low voice about how she would write songs to deal with her frustrations with her mother and her schoolmates. “What was that?” she asked suddenly as the plane started moving abruptly.
    “We are going to take off now,” Charles explained calmly. “Hold on tight, and, remember, I won’t let anything happen.”
    Shutting her eyes, Jane wrapped her arms tightly around Charles as he held her close and he rubbed her back, making soft, reassuring noises in her ear. It was crazy, but somehow he did make her feel better. She believed him. Somehow he would keep her safe. Holding on to him with a death grip, she let herself focus on the sound of his voice and the scent of his skin as the ground dropped away and the plane climbed.
    “Oh, Jane, you’re doing fine,” he whispered to her, his voice warm with admiration.
    “Don’t let go,” she gasped raggedly.
    Charles smiled to himself. “Never,” he promised to both of them. When the plane leveled out, Charles could feel her relax slightly. Only then did he loosen his grip. “Are you okay?” he asked softly.
    Jane nodded, her head still close to his. “I’m sorry. I’ve never had a panic attack like that before. It was just like, all of a sudden, I was so afraid and I didn’t know what to do.” She looked at him gratefully, uncertain if she should say anything more.
    “I’ll stay with you and be you for the landing too, if you need it,” he said, his emotions flaring into a need to protect her.
    “Thank you, Charles. You are very kind.”
    He smiled, tilting his head and touching her soft cheek. Without thinking about it, he leaned close and kissed her lightly on the forehead. As soon as his lips touched her, a circuit was made. He was suddenly fully aware that he was holding a beautiful woman in his arms. Slowly he pulled back, his eyes fixed on hers.
    Jane flushed, her breathing shallow and her heart racing from something other than fear. She closed the short distance between them and kissed him.
    Words left him as he kissed her gently. Jane filled his senses. She was all he had dreamed: sweet and giving, yet more; there was a spiciness and heat to her that he never had expected that stole his breath away. He pulled back with a look of wonder on his face and pulled her close to him again. She snuggled

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