Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star

Free Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star by Heather Lynn Rigaud

Book: Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star by Heather Lynn Rigaud Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Lynn Rigaud
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, music
Instead of the normally cramped seating, larger seats were installed. Halfway into the cabin were four tables with chairs around them, clearly designed for workspaces. The front of the plane contained more seats and another smaller work area just behind the cockpit.
    Elizabeth was surprised at how crowded the plane was. The seats in the rear were filled almost entirely with people Elizabeth had never seen before, despite her time at the studio. She stopped to look for a seat when Richard again came to her aid.
    “This is where the crew sits. Our seats are up in the front,” he said kindly from behind her.
    “Oh, thank you,” Elizabeth said softly and moved forward.
    There were empty seats in the front of the plane, just as Richard had said. Elizabeth sat down with Charlotte, Jane taking a seat in the row in front of them, and Alex across the aisle. As she settled in, Elizabeth watched Anne de Bourgh stride to the front of the plane and sit down. Darcy followed her a minute later, taking the other front seat across the aisle from her, stretching out his long legs. Collins ignored Long Borne Suffering and instead followed Ms. de Bourgh and took the seat directly behind her. Rachel took her seat behind Darcy. Elizabeth could see that clearly the battle lines were drawn.
    Five minutes later, running feet were heard and Charles, Caroline, and Rebecca entered the plane. Darcy, his sunglasses removed, gave Caroline a black look as Rebecca moved to the cockpit and spoke to the pilots before sitting down beside Caro.
    Charles, for his part, took the seat next to Jane, and attempted to begin a conversation as the plane taxied forward. “Good morning,” he grinned. “I hope you weren’t waiting too long. We can never seem to get out on time, you know?”
    He waited a moment for a response, then receiving none, tried again. “How was your trip down?”
    Silence was his only answer. He leaned forward to see Jane’s face very pale and her eyes looking large and nervous. Her hands were tightly clenched together in her lap as she bit down hard on her lips.
    “Jane?” Charles asked, concerned. “Jane? What’s wrong?” He touched her arm lightly and felt her trembling. “Jane? Are you okay?”
    When she felt his touch on her arm, Jane looked at him. Her beautiful blue eyes were anxious and desperate. “Jane,” Charles asked worriedly, “are you afraid?”
    Jane could only shut her eyes and nod nervously.
    Charles’s heart immediately went out to her. She was plainly terrified. He ran his hand along her arm and spoke softly to her. “It’s okay, Jane. It’s okay.” She opened her eyes to look at him weakly. “Can I help?” he asked, his eyes full of concern.
    His kindness broke through the thin barrier she had created to hold in her feelings and she started crying softly.
    In a flash he lifted the armrest between them. He moved closer to her, taking her ice-cold hand and holding it firmly. “Jane, can you look at me?” he said in a low, calm voice. When she turned slightly, he continued. “That’s good. Now listen to me carefully, we are going to be okay . I won’t let anything happen to you, Jane. I promise. The plane is perfectly safe.”
    He could see the panic rising in her eyes as she thought of a hundred things that could go wrong. “No, no, shhhh, Jane,” he said soothingly as he rested his forehead against hers. “Jane, trust me.”
    “What if something happens?” she said in a tiny voice.
    “Nothing is going to happen. Rebecca has been here for hours. She oversaw the inspection of the plane herself and triple-checked the pilots.”
    “Are you certain?” she asked in an even softer voice.
    He pulled her close and pillowed her head on his shoulder, his arm slipping around her shoulders and his other hand holding her hand tightly in his. “I’m certain. It’s going to be all right.”
    “Thank you,” she murmured brokenly. “I know I’m not being sensible. I just suddenly got so afraid. I know

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