My Vampire and I

Free My Vampire and I by J. P. Bowie

Book: My Vampire and I by J. P. Bowie Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. P. Bowie
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
that d'Arcy had dared threaten us. My poor Thomas was distraught. On one hand, he wanted to never return home. On the other, he said he could not put me in danger of d'Arcy's wrath. I was not afraid of the Comte, knowing that my powers were greater than his. I told Thomas just that, but I was desperately afraid that d'Arcy would make good his threat to stop Thomas's heart. We decided that we would confront the monster and tell him that if he dared take his revenge on Thomas, I would kill him with my bare hands."
    "Jesus," I gasped.
My Vampire and I
by J. P. Bowie
"Of course, in my rage and desperation, I had forgotten one very important fact. D'Arcy knew everything. He had sent Thomas to me, knowing that I would never agree to his demands."
    Thomas stood before me, his beautiful face creased with sadness, wet with his tears. I reached out, and he fell into my arms, holding me as if his life depended on it. I kissed his tear-stained cheeks, his luscious lips that parted under mine, to let my tongue win access into his moist warmth. We clung to one another, voicing our vows of love and commitment.
" Never will I let you go," I said aloud, with a vehemence I hoped d'Arcy could hear. "Never, Thomas. I will die with you, for you, but I cannot let that fiend take you from me."
He silenced me once more with his kisses, forcing me down on my bed, pulling at my open shirt, tracing my chest with his lips, setting my body and my soul on fire. I divested us of our clothing with a whispered commanded, and nownaked, we consummated our love for one another. " Ah, Marcus..." His breath on my skin caused me to shiver with ecstasy, and I drewhim up in my arms, crushing him to me, feeling the hardness of his loins press against mine.
    " Oh God, Thomas, I love you," I sobbed, fearing that this might just be the last time I would hold him thus.
" And I love you," he said, his voice calmer nowthan mine.
"Whatever happens now, please never forget me or howmuch I love you."
Our bodies meshed together in an embrace that I willed never to end. The heat of our mutual desire consumed us.
Now, he lay beneath me, his eyes entreating me to take 78
My Vampire and I
by J. P. Bowie
dominion over him. He lifted himself up onto my lap, burying my steel hard shaft deep inside himself. I rocked to his rhythm, holding his sweet, smooth body pressed to mine, raking his mouth with my hot urgent kisses.
    We took full advantage of our vampire powers to prolong this incredible union. Not for us the heated rush of passion so quickly over and spent. Our eyes locked on one another, we rode the waves of ecstasy that surrounded us, our bodies fused into one. One heart, one soul, one all encompassing love. But, in the end, even vampire control bends to the need for physical release, and so it was, that Thomas, his body stretched taut in those moments before orgasm, clutched me to himself and uttered a cry, half keen, half howl of triumph as he ejaculated, coating both our torsos with his creamy semen. My own climax followed his in a matter of seconds and filled him with the elixir of my love for him.
    We remained locked together, allowing the vortex of our soul shattering union to ebb, and our senses to return to us once more. " Never," he said, his lips close to my ear, "never will I be able to relinquish my right to love you."
    "And so, later that night, Thomas and I went to face d'Arcy in his lair. He was expecting us, of course. He probably even knew of the silver dagger I had secreted on my person, but he was arrogant enough to suppose his powers were greater than both mine and Thomas's, even should we combine them against him. Thomas asked him again to release him from their commitment and to let him go with me.
My Vampire and I by J. P. Bowie
"To our utter amazement, he agreed. 'Go,' he said, 'albeit without my blessing. If this is truly what you want, Thomas, I will not stand in your way.' I sensed a trap, but none came.
He did not deign to look at me,

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