Brewer's Tale, The

Free Brewer's Tale, The by Karen Brooks

Book: Brewer's Tale, The by Karen Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Brooks
the rise and fall of Lord Rainford’s chest, the slight narrowing of his eyes suggested any humanity. I could hear my breath in my ears. Wanting to move, I dared not. What was he thinking behind that impenetrable face?
    When he swung back into his seat, the move was so swift and unexpected, I jumped. ‘I want to make something very clear, Mistress Sheldrake. Despite what your mother may have said, I owe you and your family nothing. I owe your father nothing. On the contrary …’ He paused. ‘I more than compensated him for what happened. I gave him the house, the land, the lifestyle to which you’ve grown accustomed. Beyond that, I’ve made certain Tobias is taken care of and, as far as I am concerned, always will be. I paid what was due. It was more than he deserved.’ His eyes narrowed. ‘Frankly, Mistress Sheldrake, you and the twins are not my concern.’
    How I managed to speak, I don’t know. Fury overtook me, making me tremble. Fury that he could be so dismissive and rage at my impotence. I brought it under control. ‘And yet, here I am.’
    â€˜If I may be so bold, my lord, why would Mother have said you have amends to make if you do not?’
    â€˜Because women always want more.’
    Tossing back the last of his wine, he studied the sky. The sun had commenced its descent and the bells for sext had sounded some time ago. Springing to his feet, he wandered over to a nearby cabinet and poured himself another wine before the footman could.
    â€˜You’ve spirit, young lady, I’ll grant you that.’ Turning around, he raised the goblet to me and drank. ‘Beauty does strange things to men, Mistress Sheldrake, very strange things …’ His voice lowered and his eyes remained fixed on me. ‘Things for which, if we’re not careful, we’ll pay for the rest of our lives.’
    I turned away, finding the waning day preferable.
    â€˜Delightful as this has been, Mistress Sheldrake, I really cannot spare you any more time. Tempting as your offer is, I have to decline. As I’ve made clear, I owe you — and your family — nothing. My debt is paid.’ He offered me his hand. I stared at it, and tears threatened. I blinked them back furiously. ‘Take Mistress Jabben and Master Makejoy’s offer. It’s the best you’ll receive … for now. I’m sure a woman like you will be courting all kinds in the near future.’ About to say something more, he changed his mind. ‘Master Underwood will show you to the door. James,’ he alerted one of the footmen, ‘Mistress Sheldrake is leaving.’
    â€˜Wait,’ I said, rising to my feet, ignoring his hand, which was rapidly withdrawn. My heart was thundering, my palms began to sweat. ‘I’m not finished.’
    Aggravated, Lord Rainford clicked his tongue. ‘What now?’
    â€˜Despite what you say, you do have an obligation to me, Lord Rainford. You say you’re a man of business, well, I’m here to collect my debt.’
    â€˜I’m beholden to you ? How? In what possible way?’ Impatience clipped his voice. Anger flickered in his eyes.
    â€˜You’ve not compensated me for what I was forced to endure as a consequence of your liaison with my mother.’
    â€˜ My liaison? That’s what you think?’ His words rang. He shook his head. ‘I see.’ His voice was quieter, calmer. ‘Tell me then, how could what happened with your mother have affected you?’
    â€˜In every conceivable way, your lordship. My father worked hard to ensure you profited while, in the meantime, as his daughter and eldest child, I can record only losses.’ I used my fingers to count them off. ‘The love and attention of my father, the presence of my brother, the death of my mother —’
    â€˜You cannot blame me for your mother’s death!’
    I stepped closer to him.

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