[Atlantean's Quest 01] The Arrival

Free [Atlantean's Quest 01] The Arrival by Jordan Summers

Book: [Atlantean's Quest 01] The Arrival by Jordan Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Summers
her veins froze.
    The Professor, where was he ? He’d stop all this nonsense at once, if she could just get his attention.
    Dr. Donald stepped into her line of vision. “I told you my dear, in order to get the natives to continue on, there must be a sacrifice. You don’t mind that I mentioned to them that they could take you, do you?”
    Rachel’s eyes bugged out and she tried to kick and scream at the bastard, to no avail. The vines were too tight.
    He chuckled. “I’ll take that as a no.”
    Her heart sank. He was part of it. Hell, he was the reason for them tying her up.
    The asshole had sacrificed her . Shock, fear, and revulsion crashed through her until all that remained was white-hot anger.Rachel narrowed her eyes to razor slits.
    I’ll get you for this, if I ever get out of here alive. And if I don’t, I’ll haunt you straight to hell.
    The Professor turned to Jaro.
    “I think she’s mad at me,” he smirked. “Make it quick. This part of the jungle gives me the creeps.” He rubbed his arms as if to ward off a chill, then turned on his heel and walked away, leaving her at the mercy of the native men.
    Rachel watched his retreating back until he was out of sight, her eyes burning with angry tears. She blinked them back, then glared at Jaro.
    He’d also observed the Professor’s hasty retreat, and a look of disgust crossed his coffee colored features. His black orbs returned to Rachel, a half smile covering his brown face. Without words, she pleaded with him.
    “Perhaps I have time to show you what a real man is like. I’m sure the gods wouldn’t mind if I test you first, before sending you off to meet them,” Jaro grumbled, rubbing his hand along his cock through the front of his pants.
    Rachel watched in horror as his rod began to lengthen and stir. The men around her laughed and egged Jaro on. The pungent sweat of their bodies choked off the air. Rachel struggled, her boots kicking up bits of dirt from the ground. Revulsion slithered through her blood like thousands of tiny fire ants.
    “I think you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Jaro crouched in front of her, reached out and pinched her nipple, twisting until pain shot through Rachel’s body.
    She screamed against the gag once again.
    “Maybe I’ll take that rag out of your mouth and put those pretty lips to use sucking my dick. I bet you’d be good.” The menacing smile on his face made her skin crawl.
    Rachel watched Jaro raise his hand to his zipper, freeing his brown cock. He grasped his rod, whipping it from side-to-side in front of her face like a sword. Taunting, a not so subtle reminder of exactly what he planned to do to her.
    “I can tell you’re hungry for me.” He cupped her cunt. “I bet if I cut your pants off you’d be wet.” He made a move as if to make good on his promise.
    Rachel shook her head and struggled violently against her bonds. She could feel the veins bulging in the side of her neck.
    Jaro’s expression turned cold and he shoved his penis back into his pants. His black eyes bore into hers, sparking with barely contained rage.
    “So you think you’re too good for me?” He spit on the ground beside her face. “You had your chance.” Jaro lifted a wooden rainbow painted club above his head. The singsong chanting resumed and increased in volume.
    Rachel knew she was going to die. Colors collided. Her vision swam.
    He brought the club down swiftly and thankfully her world went black.

Chapter Six
    Eros’s heart froze when he saw the native raise the ceremonial club in the air. He’d been following the expedition for the past several miles looking for a place to snatch his woman. He’d taken the time to scout ahead and now because of his absence she was about to lose her life before his eyes.
    He bellowed, a cry of anguish ripping from his chest, echoing through the jungle. Monkeys screamed and scattered throughout the treetops. Birds flapped their wings in their hurry to escape. Insects stopped

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