Lilly.” She looked shell-shocked. “My twin, Lilly, that’s who they’re talking about. I’ve been seeking her through our link and never gotten a response. But she’s somewhere close. Thorne’s seen her, talked to her. What’s going on?” she asked Jasmine brokenly.
    “ Rone’s on his way. I think Rese and I need to see those tapes as well. Record whatever is happening live in Julie’s cage, we’ll get to it later. Right now I need to see how much our security has been compromised,” Silas said, sounding weary .
    Her heart hurt for him and for Rose. She knew Silas couldn’t, wouldn’t, allow this to pass. Thorne would be called in to give an accounting for his actions.
    “I can’t believe this,” Rose whispered. “We were never really committed to their cause. Mom kept so much of it from us that…all we ever knew were bits and pieces. Lilly and I played the role to keep peace with mom…but it was never real to us.” She looked at Jasmine with tear-filled eyes. “Please don’t kill my brother. I don’t know what’s going on, but he wouldn’t betray me, us. There’s something wrong here.”
    Jasmine reached over and squeezed her hand. “I promise your brother will not die behind this.” She shut down the link behind Silas’ growling. “I have some questions I’d like to ask because the Siseria he’s talking to is not the woman I talked to earlier today. I’m wondering if there’s some kind of game they’re playing. He could help me understand that,” she said, changing the tone of the conversation.
    “Now that you mention it, she did seem arrogant, bossy. I thought you said Julie was the one in charge.”
    “I know. That’s who talked to me most of the time. I thought she was the leader. Now, I think I got played. These two are playing a deep game with us. They wanted to be here in the compound, close to my babies.”
    “I picked up on that too. But why?” Rose asked, then stood and rushed into Tyrone’s arms as he entered the room.
    “You okay?” he whispered, holding her tight. His lips brushed against her forehead. Jasmine smiled as she watched her baby, now a man with a family, take care of his woman. Her heart warmed with pride at the man he had become. She wondered what Davian would say if he could see Tyrese and Tyrone now. Probably try and take credit, the asshole.
    “Yeah, shocked, disappointed, but, I’m okay.” She laid her head on his shoulder and stood there for a moment. Tyrone’s eyes met Jasmine’s. This was not good. Silas might be tolerant to a point, but not when it came to the safety of his pups. For the most part, she was right there with him. This was special because of Rose and Tyrone, but Thorne needed a good explanation to avoid Silas’ wrath. He wouldn’t die, because she had promised, but he might wish he had.
    A few seconds later Silas and Tyrese entered the room. Jaree and two other guards stood in the corridor and the blinds were drawn. Jasmine knew without asking that Hank and Brad were lead security with the babies, and that they had been moved to a secure location.
    “Rose, I am going to ask that you do not contact your brother or give him a hint of your distress. I need to talk to him, and my mate,” Silas' eyes flicked at Jasmine, “has already given her word he will not perish because of this. I have sent security to bring him to my office where I will talk to him, do you understand?”
    The tension in the room was volatile. The heat of it brushed against her skin, reminding her of when she had first met Silas. The man could blow out the walls of a room with his anger. But this was a family matter, and even though having a family was new to him, she had faith that they would work through this just fine. She looked at the twins and sensed their inner turmoil.
    Tyrese had saved Rose and Thorne from an attack by rogue wolves and brought the teen into the compound. After what happened with the spy who'd exploded earlier today, she knew her

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