MacDougall 01 - Laiden's Daughter

Free MacDougall 01 - Laiden's Daughter by Suzan Tisdale Page A

Book: MacDougall 01 - Laiden's Daughter by Suzan Tisdale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzan Tisdale
Tags: Fiction, Historical
ya been on yer belly for two days now.”
    “Two days!” Aishlinn was shocked.
    “Aye. Ye were in a verra sorry state when the MacDougalls brought ye here.   Ye’ll be needed plenty more rest lass, before yer healed proper.”
    Aishlinn sighed for she could not remember a time in her life when she had slept for so long.   Unsuccessfully she had tried to count the days since she had fled Castle Firth, but too much of it was tangled and blurred. It was like trying to catch a clear glimpse of the roots of a gnarled auld tree whilst staring at it through a piece of linen. ‘Twas impossible as well as a bit maddening.
    Rebecca took her time to remove the old bandages, careful to cause as little discomfort for Aishlinn as possible.   Once the bandages were removed, she carefully cleaned the cuts with warm water before she applied the salve.  
    The salve more than stung, it downright burned. Aishlinn hissed softly and dug her fingers into the mattress.   She tried to relax, for when she tensed, her muscles were quick to remind her why she was here.   When she took a deep breath, while still painful, her ribs no longer screamed in agony. It was quite a relief to be able to take in a breath and not wish for instant death.
    “I’m sorry for being such an inconvenience to you, Rebecca.”   She was trying to think of something, anything other than the burning in her back.  
    “Och! Tis not an inconvenience to me, lass.” Rebecca said as she began to apply fresh bandages.   “May the bastard that done this to ya rot in hell for all eternity!”
    Aishlinn was certain the bastard in question was doing just that, and for a moment wondered if she should share that fact with Rebecca.   Not knowing what Rebecca’s opinion of her was at the moment, she decided against it.  
    Rebecca applied the last of the bandages and began to wrap long strips around Aishlinn’s torso to hold them into place.   It wasn’t easy for Aishlinn to suffer such an indignity as having a complete stranger care for her in this manner, nor to be seen naked. Aishlinn held her breath and tried to remind herself that she had suffered other mortifications, many far worse than her current predicament, and she should be well used to them by now.
    When she was finished, Rebecca patted her shoulder. “Tis the best I can do for now, lass.   I’m afraid I dunna have a gown small enough for ye.   Why, I’d have to cut me own in half for it to fit ya!”  
    It was impossible from her current position to judge Rebecca’s size.   There was no doubt however, that the woman had been blessed with a very ample bosom. ‘Twas a blessing Aishlinn was certain she would never be bestowed with.
    “I’ve a nightdress that’ll do fer now.” Rebecca told her as she helped Aishlinn to roll over and sit up.   It was a struggle, for her muscles ached, from the beating and lack of use, but they finally managed.     “Should be plenty of room in it so it willna rub.”  
    Rebecca had been right.   There was room enough in the nightdress to hold two of Aishlinn but at least she was no longer naked.   When she attempted to lie back in the bed, her cuts insisted ‘Twas not the best of ideas.   She lay instead on her side and found she was growing quite sleepy again.
    Rebecca stepped away and returned a few moments later. “I’ve broth and warm bread for ya, lass.   Ye’ll be needin’ yer strength about ya, for ’tis another two days to Castle Gregor.”
    Aishlinn drank and ate as much as her stomach would tolerate.   She repeatedly thanked Rebecca for the kindness she and her family were showing her, to which Rebecca repeatedly told her ‘twas not a bother and to quit worrying so. It did not take long for her to fall asleep after eating, but not before she sent a silent prayer of thanks to the Good Lord for putting her in the care of such kind and good people.
    Night had fallen before Aishlinn woke again. Although she had never

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