Wraiths of Winter (The Haunting Ruby Series Book 3)

Free Wraiths of Winter (The Haunting Ruby Series Book 3) by Joy Elbel

Book: Wraiths of Winter (The Haunting Ruby Series Book 3) by Joy Elbel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joy Elbel
I can and can’t
do. If you don’t want to help me, Rachel will.”
    Zach released an exasperated sigh. “I should have
sister was
involved in
I love her, but
sometimes she just doesn’t think things through. You haven’t
forgotten about that séance she arranged, have you?”
    Was he crazy? Of course, I didn’t forget. You don’t
just watch some shadowy entity plow straight through your
best friend and then forget about it a few months later. Sure,
Rachel’s plan that night wasn’t exactly a stellar idea, but she
never expected anything bad would happen to either of us.
    “Look, Zach, all I’m going to do is try to talk to
Allison—try to find out who killed her. It won’t be like the
other times. This time I know who I’m dealing with and I
know how to help her,” I said biting back the harsh words I
really wanted to say. “And besides, this is just a shot in the
dark. There’s no guarantee that I’ll even be able to
communicate with her.
But regardless of whether or not I
can, I need to know that you support me no matter what.
    Zach pulled down the drive toward the mansion and
as we drew closer I could see that a black car with a Cold
Eternal bumper sticker was parked in front.
There was no
one else in this town that I could picture driving that car—it had to belong Lucas.
The calendar said December, but I
braced for a fireworks display worthy of the Fourth of July.
    “I do support you more than you seem to realize! I’m
just scared of what might happen to you.
In more ways than
    That , I knew, referred to Lucas. Who, by the way, was
sitting in his car watching us intently in the rearview mirror
we pulled up behind him.
If I had to guess, he was
probably wishing he could read lips right about now.
    Arguing with Zach in front of him would only make
matters worse so I played the only card I had. “If you don’t
help me, something bad really could happen to me! Please,
Zach, you’re my hero —I need you!”
    We both knew he couldn’t say no to that. “Fine, Ruby.
I’ll help you but you need to promise me that you’ll think
before you just jump into anything. And don’t hold anything
back from me even if you think it might hurt me.”
    Well, we definitely weren’t talking about ghosts any
Could Zach sense my
attraction to him?
He knew that there would always be a
place in my heart for Lee and he was okay with that. But was
Lucas now occupying that place along with Lee? I wasn’t sure
and I was kind of afraid to find out.
    “Okay, Zach, I promise.” I leaned over to kiss him
goodbye fully aware that Lucas was still watching us. Zach
held my lips to his for a few beats longer than he normally
would have. He must have noticed our audience, too.
    “I’ll give you a call after work,” Zach said, gently
massaging my shoulder as he spoke. More theatrics. He was
always affectionate but I knew that this display was as much
for Lucas’s benefit as it was mine. “I’m going with you guys
when you talk to Drake tonight.”
    We said we loved each other and I got out of his car.
Zach and Lucas exchanged icy glares as Zach drove around
him and away from the house.
I felt like a mouse caught
between two lions, not sure if they would pounce on each
other or on me.
I slung my
over my
shoulder and
approached Lucas.
“Hey, what’s up? You haven’t been in school for days,”
I asked as I ducked my head inside his now open window.
    “A lot’s happened since I moved here. I just needed
some time to think. Get in—there’s something I need to tell
    The wind was freezing cold and Lucas had his heat on
full blast so it was a welcome invitation. I opened the door
and climbed inside without hesitation.
    “Look, Ru, I want to say I’m sorry about how I’ve acted
on you
I was
just so
overwhelmed by finding out I have—I mean had —a twin
brother. And, well, I didn’t expect to feel the

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