
Free Wicked by Sasha White

Book: Wicked by Sasha White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha White
voice as greasy as his oil-stained hands.

    Lara cocked her head to the side, and stared at him.


    Sasha White
    Finally he shuffled a little under her stare, looking to his brother for back-up.
    When Robert ignored him, Larry snatched the invoice from her hand and
    signed. "You should be nice to me, Lara. You never know when you might
    need a man in your life."

    "It's just business, Larry." She tore off his copy and spun on her heel to leave without looking at Robert again. She didn't have to look to know he was
    watching her. His stare burned into her, her blood chilling as she let the door
    swing closed behind her.

    The afternoon sun helped chase away the chill in her bones as she climbed
    into her truck. Spring had definitely arrived. Slipping her sunglasses on, she
    headed out into traffic, aiming for Taco Bell for a late lunch. Maybe she
    should grab an extra taco and bring it back to the shop for Maura. The
    woman loved fast food, any kind of fast food, even if it was cold.

    Her phone rang as she was paying the girl at the drive through and she
    answered without looking at the caller ID.

    "Hello, sugar. How are you feeling today?"

    Karl's voice swept in her ear, and straight into her bloodstream. "I'm feeling
    very fine this afternoon, Sir," she said with a sassy smile he couldn't see.
    "How are you?"

    "Very well, thank you." He paused. "Did you enjoy our play last night?"

    "You know I did."

    "Physically, yes, you did. Your cunt squeezes nicely when you come, there is
    no missing it."

    His blunt words went straight to her head. For whatever reason, the dirty talk
    really got her engine revving. "It squeezes nicely when there's a big cock
    filling it up."

    Sasha White

    "You like big?"

    Heat started to creep up her cheeks and Lara squeezed her thighs together.
    She felt strangely shy, yet she was getting so turned on too. "I like to feel full."

    "Hmm, I'll remember that for next time," he promised softly.

    "When is next time going to be? It's Friday night, y'know?"

    "Sorry, greedy girl, I have plans for tonight already, for the whole weekend
    actually, but you and I will get together again soon. Early next week,
    perhaps, would you like that?"

    Would she?

    Normally Lara didn't like to plan too far ahead, especially when it came to
    men and dates. Shit, normally she wouldn't wait either. But, she did want
    more Karl. "Okay, that'll be good."


    She remembered what he'd said about clear communication. "Yes, early
    next week will be good."

    "I have some homework for you over the weekend. If you do well, I'll reward

    She snorted, homework? "And if I don't do well?"

    "Then you'll be punished." He had that tone of voice again. The one that reached deep down and stroked her insides so wonderfully.

    Her sex fluttered and her skin tightened. Ignoring the meaning of her body's
    reaction, she laughed and turned into the warehouse parking lot. "You're just

    Sasha White
    looking for a reason to spank me!"

    Karl chuckled on the other end of the line and something fluttered low in her
    belly. "No sugar, there are better ways to punish you than spanking. In all
    honesty, spanking isn't a favorite kink of mine. But I'd be happy to oblige you
    if that's what you crave."

    "I crave a good hard fuck, thank you. I don't need a spanking."

    Another chuckle, and pleasure warmed Lara. She liked making him laugh.

    "Your homework for the weekend is to email me each day—once on
    Saturday, and once on Sunday—and each email is to contain a favorite
    sexual fantasy of yours."

    "I'm not much of a writer," she said.

    "I'm not judging your writing skills. I'm getting to know you." He rattled off his email address and she scribbled it on a napkin. "Be honest with me, Lara,
    and just maybe your fantasies will come true."

    They hung up and Lara sat in the sun for a moment, stunned. These games
    certainly weren't what she'd expected when he'd said he was a Dom. She
    was actually enjoying

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