Chameleon (Supernaturals)

Free Chameleon (Supernaturals) by Kelly Oram

Book: Chameleon (Supernaturals) by Kelly Oram Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Oram
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Paranormal, teen
cold it is. You threw me in it, remember? Stop whining and get in here.”
    I took off my shoes and rolled my pants up to my knees. The cold water pricked my feet.
    “Okay,” Russ said. “Now close your eyes and prepare to be amazed.”
    When I closed my eyes Russ muttered something under his breath and suddenly the water surrounding my feet was no longer uncomfortable. “It feels like bath water!” I gasped. “That’s incredible!”
    “Cool huh? You see? Being supernatural’s not such a bad thing. I know the idea is a little strange to accept, but magic definitely has its perks.”
    Russ was right. This was amazing. “Thank you.” I threw my arms around him. I’d been so freaked out since the dance that this small bit of hope almost moved me to tears. “Really, Russ. Thank you for this.”
    “C’mon,” Russ said. “Let’s go swimming.”
    “What, right now?”
    Russ ripped his shirt over his head. “The water will stay warm,” he promised.
    “What are we supposed to do, swim in our underwear?”
    Apparently that was exactly what we were supposed to do, because Russ stripped down to his boxers and dove into the water. When he surfaced I said, “I am not stripping down to my undies with you.”
    “It’s not like you haven’t before. Remember when we were four and my dad got us that Slip n’ Slide? You had no problem stripping down then.”
    “I didn’t have boobs then.”
    “You still don’t.”
    My jaw dropped.
    “Dani, things have been so stressful this week. I know you. You’ll feel better if you do something crazy.” Russ turned his back to me. “Come on. No one’s looking.”
    I couldn’t believe I was letting him talk me in to it, but I hurriedly took my shirt and pants off and dove in the water. It felt amazing.
    “I’m impressed! I didn’t think you’d go for it.” Russ said when I poked my head above the surface. I made sure the water line never dropped below my shoulders.
    “You were right,” I said. “I really need to de-stress.”
    Russ swam over until he was standing a foot in front of me. He dropped his playful attitude and looked way too serious all of the sudden. “It’s going to be okay. I’m going to be here with you every step of the way. I’ll do whatever you need me to. Even if that’s forcing you to strip down to your skivvies and jump in a lake.” He winked and cracked a smile, but sobered up almost immediately. “I mean it,” he said. “Whatever you need.”
    Ha! If he only knew what I felt like I needed right then.
    Or… maybe he did.
    Somehow Russ was only centimeters from me now, though I hadn’t noticed him move closer. I could feel the heat coming off his body. I felt that magical pull stirring inside me, driving me mad with the desire to touch him, to run my fingers over his bare chest.
    As if he could read my mind, Russ slid his hand around my waist and pulled me tightly against him. When I gasped he snaked his other arm around me and locked me in his grip knowing I’d try to escape. My attempt to put some distance between us was a pathetic one, and it only encouraged him.
    “I don’t get it Russ,” I breathed, fighting off a shiver.
    “What’s not to get?” Russ moved his hands up my back, pinning our bodies together. “I can’t really make it any more obvious.”
    I panicked. “This isn’t us. We’re best friends. You’ve never once….” My voice trailed off when I felt my cheeks turning red. “I didn’t think you wanted this. Like I was born into the wrong family, remember?”
    Russ’s grip tightened the tiniest bit. “I hate when you and Dad joke about that. You are not my sister.”
    “Then why didn’t you ever say anything?”
    “I’m not human, Dani. There was so much of me I had to keep hidden from you. My dad always says it wasn’t the magic that my mom couldn’t handle. He said she was strong enough. He said she would have been the one in a thousand if he hadn’t lied to her for so long. But he never gave

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