Destiny of Souls
are happy that we have found each other in … an intimate way. Dorothy has grieved a long time herself over Frank and the grief we both feel is being dispelled by having the company of each other.
    Dr. N: And you see that all four of you are in the same soul group?
    S: Yes *… but I had no idea this was true *… Dr. N: How are Francis and Dorothy different as souls?
    S: Francis is a very strong teaching soul while Dorothy is more artistic and creative *… gentle. Dorothy is a peaceful spirit and able to adapt more easily to existing conditions than the rest of us.
    Dr. N: Now that you have the approval of Francis and Frank, what will Dorothy gain from associating with you as your second wife in this life?
    S: Comfort, understanding, love … I can provide her with more protection because I am goal oriented. I challenge things Dorothy takes for granted. She is very accepting. We have a good balance.
    Death, Grief and Comfort s 47 Dr. N: Is Dorothy your primary soulmate?
    *S: (emphatically) No, it’s Francis. Dorothy usually matches with Frank in their lives, but we are all very close.
    Dr. N: Have you and Dorothy worked together before in other lives?
    S: Yes, but in different situations. She often takes the role of my sister, a niece, or close friend.
    Dr. N: Why are you usually matched with Francis as a mate?
    S: Francis and I have been with each other from the beginning. We are so close because we have struggled together, helping each other… she was always able to make me laugh at my serious nature at my foolishness.
    When I closed this segment of our session I felt that George had gained much insight. He was overjoyed at learning that it was no accident he and Dorothy were drawn together. All four souls knew their current time lines in advance.
    I have had similar information come to me from clients who were not in the same soul group as their new love interest, but were connected as affiliated souls from nearby groups. I find most people know if the person they live with is nota significant soulmate. This does not mean they can’t have good relationships with souls out of their group. I will quote the statement from a client who died before his wife in their previous life together:
    When I reach out to comfort my wife after my death, I do so as a friend and partner. We were not really in love. She was no tan intimate soulmate for me, nor was I to her. I have a great deal of respect for her. We needed this relationship to work on those things which played to our individual strengths and weaknesses. So, I don’t say, “I love you” into her mind because she would know it isn’t true. She might then confuse my spirit with her soulmate. Our life contract is done and if she wishes, I want her to take another person into her heart.
    48 Destiny of Souls Reuniting with Those We Love It is fitting that I close this chapter on death with a case illustrating what it is like for soulmates who reunite on the other side. The case involves a widow who meets her husband at the gateway following a long separation.
    Case 13 Dr. *N: Who meets you right after death?
    S: IT’S HIM! Eric … oh … at last… at last… my love … Dr. N: (after calming my client) This man is your husband?
    S: Yes, we are coming together right after I cross over before I see our guide.
    Dr. N: Tell me how everything unfolds, including the way feelings of endearment are transmitted between you and Eric.
    S: We start with the eyes … from a little distance away… looking deep into each other … the knowing of everything flowing between our minds … of all that we have meant to each other *… our energy gets sucked up into a magnetic pool of indescribable joy blending the two of us together.
    Dr. N: At this moment have you both assumed the physical form you had in the last life?
    S: (laughing) Yes, very rapidly we start with the first time we met how we looked to each other and move through the phases of body changes during our long

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