Destiny of Souls
knowing it is still alive and will be seeing everyone who is meaningful to them again. The integrity of souls involves an all-consuming desire that those they love have the free choice to finish their lives in any way they want. If you wish a soul to come to you they probably will, otherwise your privacy is respected. Besides, a part of your energy which you left behind in the spirit world is always there for them.
    Since souls lose so many negative emotions upon reentering the spirit world, it follows that their positive affections also undergo alterations. For instance, souls feel great love but this love places no conditions upon others for reciprocity because it is given freely. Souls display a universal coherence with each other that is so absolute it is incomprehensible on Earth. This is one reason why souls appear to be both abstract and empathetic to us at the same time.
    I have heard of some cultural traditions which advise that survivors must let the deceased go and not try to communicate with them because souls have more important work to do. Indeed, souls do not want you to
    become dependent upon communication with them to Death, Grief and Comfort *. 45 the detriment of independent decision-making. Yet many survivors require not only solace but also some sort of approval in the forming of a new relationship. I hope my next case will help dispel the idea that the departed are uninterested in your future. Your privacy is respected by the spirit of your love when you are content. Still, if a prospective course of action, particularly bonding with someone else, leaves you unsettled, they might try to make their opinions known. Because of the nature of soul duality they are quite capable of performing many tasks at once. This includes a soul’s quiet time in solitude where they focus energy on people they have left behind. Souls do this to bring us greater peace even when we are not calling on them for help.
    Case 12 George came to me in a state of some distress over feelings of guilt about a new love in his life. He had been a widower for two years after a long and happy marriage to Francis. George wondered if she was looking down on him with displeasure over his developing relationship with Dorothy. I was told Dorothy and her deceased husband, Frank, had been close friends of George and Francis. Nonetheless, George felt his increased attraction to Dorothy might be considered an act of betrayal. I begin this case at the point in our session when George sees Francis after a former life together.
    Dr. *N: Now that you have entered the circle of your soulmates, who comes forward first?
    S: (cries out) Oh God, it’s Francis it’s her. I’ve missed you so much, dear. She is so beautiful… we have been together … from the beginning.
    Dr. N: You see that you never really lost her in your current life, don’t you, and that she will be waiting for you when it is your time to go?
    S: Yes … I always felt it… but now I know *… Note: George now breaks down and we are unable to continue for a while. During this time I want my sub ect to get used to hugging his wife gain and talking
    to her through his super conscious mind. He strongly 46 Destiny of Souls believes that his guide and my own conspired to bring him to this juncture. I explain that the information he will gain should help him move on in his life with Dorothy. The catalyst for this awareness is evident when we start to identify other members of George’s soul group.
    Dr. *N: I want you now to identify the figures standing near Francis.
    S: (brightens) Oh, really… I can’t believe … but, of course … it makes sense now.
    Dr. N: What makes sense?
    S: It’s Dorothy and … (becomes very emotional) … and Frank, they are standing together next to Francis, smiling at me *… don’t you see?
    Dr. N: What should I see?
    S: That they have brought us … closer together, Dorothy and me.
    Dr. N: Explain why you think this is so?
    S: (impatient with me) They

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