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Book: Overwhelmed by Laina Kenney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laina Kenney
Tags: Menage a Trois (m/f/m), Menage Amour
across the desk and sat in his chair, pushing his hands up her thighs to raise her skirt. Soon, the skirt was bunched around her waist. He slowly pushed her thighs apart.
    Isaac sighed gustily.
    “God, I love garters,” he said feelingly, and lowered his mouth to her tender thigh just above one pink lace garter. The sensation of heat made her moan in anticipation. He nipped then sucked hard, and her pussy gushed a flood of scented cream as he left his loving mark on her pale skin.
    He knew it, damn him, and his fingers trailed up, brushing seductively against her hot folds, and pushing the delicate pink lace of her panties to one side so that he could explore her further, he gently investigated the wetness.
    Two long fingers slid inside, and she winced a little at the soreness. It had been a long and vigorous night, and she wasn’t used to such activities.
    Isaac noticed immediately and pulled his fingers out of her clinging heat, drawing moisture with him. She groaned at the friction.
    “I’m so sorry,” he said, his voice muffled slightly, his breath hot against her secret flesh. “Are you sore, baby? I should have thought. I’ll kiss it better.”
    The sensation was electrifying. He licked and nuzzled the frilled seam apart, then settled in, holding her open with his big hands. He used his whole mouth, his lips, his tongue, and his teeth in a fevered, wicked assault on her scorching pussy. The man was a connoisseur of all things female, and his own obvious enjoyment of this intimate act made it that much hotter for her until she was writhing and nearly out of her mind.
    He lapped and tasted, swirling his stiffened tongue around her swollen clit, flicking and pulling at it with his pursed lips, creating a maelstrom of excitement which threatened to blast apart everything she had known before.
    He deliberately drew it out, constantly varying technique and tempo, torturing her with her own ungovernable response, until she couldn’t do anything but surrender to his illicit expertise. Only when Carolyn was almost frantic, pleading with him, thrashing between his restraining hands, and begging breathlessly for relief of the exquisite torment, did he fasten his mouth to her and suck strongly.
    The resulting explosion was incredibly intense, flashing through her bloodstream in a blast of liquid heat, and a sharp, high scream tore from her throat as every muscle in her body clenched. Isaac kept his mouth on her, staying with her as she bucked and then gradually gentling the demand from his touch until he was simply nuzzling tenderly, petting, and seeming to enjoy the feminine flesh displayed for him.
    Carolyn could distantly feel her own excessive wetness, had felt it as it pulsed out in her climax, but she couldn’t seem to dredge up the energy to feel embarrassed by it. If his reluctance to lift his face from her was any indication, Isaac wasn’t bothered by her extravagant response. If anything, he seemed quite pleased with her and with himself.
    He pulled back after a few moments, leaving her draped limply over his desk, still exposed to his burning gaze. With visible unwillingness, he put her clothing back in order and coaxed her onto his lap.
    She could feel his hard cock pressing aggressively against her hip, but when she tried to stroke him through his trousers, he moved her hand up to his mouth to tickle her fingers with his breath.
    “Isaac, what about you?” she asked, her voice warm.
    “I’m happy right here, holding you in my arms.” His smile was genuine, unguarded. “Let me have this. Let me know right now that my woman is limp from the pleasure I’ve given her. It’s enough.”
    Carolyn lay against him, giving up all control to him and basking in his care. He held her close and silent for a long time, sometimes stroking her back or smoothing tiny kisses into her hair, letting her just drift in the glorious aftermath. It was one of the most peaceful moments of her life.

Chapter 13

    “Honey, I’m

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