papers that Sara had piled high on her chair. The bottom two filing cabinet drawers had been emptied, their formerly well-ordered contents dumped on the floor. She would probably be sorting and filing for the next two weeks to put her office back in order, and only then would she be able to tell what was missing, if anything. What a mess!
    Grange had a strange half-smile on his face when she glanced his way. His silver eyes appeared lit from within.
    “What?” she asked, suddenly self-conscious.
    “I like watching you.”
    She could feel a flush climbing her cheeks. She wasn’t some innocent young schoolgirl, but he could make her blush like one. He was so very male.
    “Grange.” It was supposed to be a protest, but it came out breathless and just shy of an invitation.
    He was close beside her instantly, and she didn’t even see him move. Damn, the man was fast. And he smelled so good. Just the clean masculine scent of his skin, no heavy colognes for Grange, but it was enough to make her well-pleasured pussy throb in recognition.
    He slowly ran his big hands up and down her arms, gradually bending his head. The anticipation popped and sizzled in her blood long before he captured her mouth with his. The kiss was just beginning to heat up when there was a shocked exclamation from the door.
    Carolyn broke away from Grange’s mouth and gazed in horror directly into her mother’s widened eyes.
    “Carolyn, this is your place of work,” her mother said primly. The perfect society hostess, she was dressed impeccably in classic ivory silk and beige linen, wearing the single strand of pink pearls that was her signature.
    Grange stiffened, and Carolyn felt an unexplainable frisson of fear. “Mother, this is Granger Hamilton, one of the owners of DIG. Grange, this is Annalise Winston, my mother.” Carolyn was quick to perform the introductions, knowing that her mother would expect the social niceties to be observed.
    Drawing himself up to his full height, he stepped forward with Carolyn’s hand clasped in his. “You are just in time to congratulate us, Annalise,” he said smoothly, wearing his most charming smile. “Carolyn has agreed this morning to be my wife.”
    Carolyn admired his clever phrasing. He made it sound like he had proposed only moments ago, in a perfectly appropriate setting while wearing tailored wool trousers and a starched white shirt. Instead, he had proposed hours ago, stark naked on his knees beside his partner in their threesome, after indulging in an exhausting, incredible night of total debauchery. Her mother would be shocked.
    There was a small silence as her mother openly stared. Carolyn wanted to sink into the floor, dreading her mother’s response, but Annalise Winston surprised her.
    “Well, that’s lovely,” she breathed, clasping her hands to her silk-draped bosom. “Oh, Carolyn, you’ve been keeping a delicious secret.” Her eyes roved up and down Grange, clearly approving what she saw. “We’ll announce it at the charity ball on Friday night, of course. Your father will be so thrilled.”
    Carolyn could feel her life sliding out of control, but she was at a loss as to how to salvage it. “But, Mother,” she tried, as Grange’s fingers tightened warningly on hers, “I’m not coming to the ball. Father and I argued when he told me he wants me to marry—”
    “Yes, that sweet Randall,” her mother interrupted, waving one beautifully manicured hand. “Your father quite likes him, but you and I both know you’d be bored with him inside of a month. He’s a terribly nice boy, but really, not the type for you. I have my eye on him for Linda’s daughter, Chelsea. I’ve always felt that another agent would be the perfect choice for you, dear. Plus, the announcement will certainly liven up the ball. It’s always the same people and the same conversations year after year at these events. They don’t even seem to realize it.”
    Carolyn was sure she felt the world spin off its

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