
Free Vulnerable by Allyson Young

Book: Vulnerable by Allyson Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allyson Young
Tags: Romance
“It’s my one indulgence, Ross, and not even for you…”
    To her surprise, he laughed and offered her the cup. “Okay, Elise. I’ve pushed you, and this isn’t important right now. What’s the number of your school?”
    Oh, God. He expected her to call in sick. She had never missed a day because of illness, but he was resolute. She recited the number, and he punched it into her cordless before exchanging it again for her coffee cup. Elise hid her annoyance and left a message for the school director, glad she didn’t have to lie to a real person. Ross kissed her sweetly after killing the call and left her to soak and drink her coffee in peace. Right, left her with her roiling thoughts and anxiety. He was going to make her talk to him, share her reasons for standing him up. She didn’t want to talk about her past, and a tear slipped out of her right eye and meandered down her cheek to fall right into her coffee.
    * * * *
    Elise took as long as she dared in the bathroom. After levering herself out of the tub and drying off, she slathered her skin with her favorite lotion, paying attention to every crease and fold. She applied her usual amount of minimal makeup and then braided her hair down the back of her head, securing the end with a frivolous, little, pink tie. Her bottom was still tender but manageable, and she pulled a comfortable pair of cotton panties on, then latched the matching bra. She was contemplating her wardrobe when Ross filled the doorway.
    “Breakfast is ready.”
    Elise had been ignoring the enticing smell of frying bacon and toast in an effort to prolong her absence from the confessional. Her stomach rumbled in response to Ross’s announcement and echoed in the small space. He laughed and moved to pull her to him, wrapping her up tight and speaking against her hair.
    “Lie on your belly for a sec, Elise.”
    She stiffened against him, and he whirled her around, and she found herself face down on the rumpled bedding, her cheek mashed into the corner of the comforter. Before she could give him what piece of mind she could spare, he pulled her panties down to her thighs and gently spread her buttocks. There was a moment of silence, and Elise closed her eyes against it. There was a sensation of cold and a little sting, and then things felt kind of numb. He must have used her topical anesthetic, the one she had for mosquito bites. The ridiculousness of the whole thing made her want to laugh hysterically. Ross pulled her underwear back up and patted her bottom.
    “Put a robe on, honey. I hope you won’t be wearing it long anyhow.”
    Elise felt her nipples harden and her pussy twitch at the suggestiveness of his tone. Was he going to seduce her with both food and sex? She rolled to her feet and went to her closet without looking at him, careful to keep her distance. He cleaned his hands with wet wipes and gave her a noncommittal stare. She pulled her old, wooly robe from the closet depths, the one she wore when she hung out at home by herself, in mute rebellion. Ross’s eyes gleamed, and she knew he recognized the challenge. For a moment she wanted to stamp her foot but tied the robe around her with brisk, efficient movements instead, to bleed the stress off, and then stalked past him. He gently patted her bottom again, and she itched to pinch him.
    The little table was set for two, and if the forks were on the wrong side of the plates, Elise was prepared to forgive Ross that little Miss Manners peccadillo as well as his most recent high-handed behavior in the bedroom because of the wonderful sight of the food he had prepared. There was a bowl of scrambled eggs spotted with green onion and drizzled with cheese, but the pièce de résistance was the perfectly crispy pile of bacon slices reposing on a paper towel spread across a large platter. Ross had even refilled the coffee cups and doctored hers with the killer creamer. She couldn’t help but turn and smile at him, and when he leaned into

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