No Sunshine When She's Gone

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Book: No Sunshine When She's Gone by Kate Angell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Angell
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
as much as me.”
    He lowered his voice, spoke to Mike. “Stand in cement.” It was their man code to stay in one place until the other person returned.
    “I’m not moving.”
    Aidan headed into the house. The sliding-glass doors silently opened, but the weight of his step on the marble floor clued Olive to his arrival.
    “Aidan!” she gave a girly shriek when she saw him. Her wings swept wide as she swayed on her perch. She danced for him.
    He fitted the tip of his finger through the bars and smoothed the feathers on her head. “How’s my best girl?” he asked.
    “Better now.” She pecked his finger; her way of giving him a kiss. “Gift, please.”
    “You only love me for my presents,” he teased her.
    “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.”
    Aidan chuckled. Shaye left the television on for Olive whenever she left the house. The sitcoms, movies, and commercials kept the parrot company. The Quaker picked up all sorts of slapstick and drama. She surprised everyone with her attention to detail. She loved Maxwell, the pink Geico pig. She imitated his “wee wee wee” all the way home.
    “Sorry, no diamonds,” Aidan told her.
    “Pftt,” Olive blew him off.
    “But,” he drew out, “I have nuts, berries, and a surprise.”
    “Mine, mine! Eat first.”
    He produced the unshelled pistachios and passed her one. Olive crunched through the nut in record time. She made a moaning sound, which sounded sensual. Aidan figured she’d overheard Shaye and Tracy having sex.
    A cranberry came next, which Olive dramatically savored. She ate another berry before she screeched, “Where’s Sad?”
    Aidan rubbed his brow. No matter how hard he’d tried to coax the name Sadie from Olive, she referred to his dog as Sad . He went with it. “Sad’s outside,” he said.
    “No,” the parrot corrected him. “Here.”
    He turned slightly and saw that Olive was right. Sadie now rounded the corner of the living room with Jill close behind. What was it about this woman that made his stomach tighten and his dick twitch? He didn’t wear underwear. The zipper on his jeans would leave track marks if he wasn’t careful. He shifted, and made every attempt to breathe evenly.
    “Have you met Olive?” he asked Jill. “She’s quite the conversationalist.”
    “Earlier this evening,” she told him. “She’s amazing.”
    “Yes, I am,” the Quaker agreed.
    “I wanted to catch your exchange,” Jill said. “Shaye said you spoil her.”
    “There’s nothing wrong with taking care of your own.” He paused, met her gaze. “Same as you do with Carrie.”
    “Carrie is like a sister to me.”
    “So I’ve noticed.”
    “Who is Mike to you,” she asked, curious, “beyond your superintendent?”
    “I’d take a bullet for him,” he said honestly.
    “I’ll give a warning shout before I shoot.”
    “Good to know.”
    “More gifts?” Olive interrupted them.
    He reached into his shirt pocket and removed a small, flat box. “For me?” Olive’s voice rose.
    “For you,” said Aidan.
    Jill leaned forward as he removed the top. Her hair brushed his arm; her hip rubbed his thigh. He sucked air. Set his back teeth. He was damn glad his shirt was untucked, hiding his erection.
    Her effect on him was puzzling. He valued honesty, yet Jill danced around the truth. But then so had Lila Sims. He refused to be duped a second time.
    Olive gave Aidan her full attention when he held up a rounded hanging mirror in a pink frame with a bell attached to the bottom. He slid it through the bars and clipped it safely to the cage.
    “Mirror.” Aidan sounded out the word for Olive.
    She studied her reflection for several seconds. “Who’s the pretty girl?”
    “You are,” he said.
    The parrot preened and fell in love with herself. She then poked the bell with her short talon. Ting-ting. She arched her neck, nudged it again, listening for the tingle. The sound fascinated her.
    “She likes your present,” Jill said, smiling.
    “Olive is

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