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Free pdf - From the Ashes.PDF by Linda Eberharter

Book: pdf - From the Ashes.PDF by Linda Eberharter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Eberharter
self-loathing slacked a little. She snuggled closer to Fiach’s chest. “What about Fiach? How did he end up being a demon born of the Sidhe?
    Why didn’t you allow him to join me with humans?”
    The Lady became saddened. “After your exchange was completed, the Morag attacked Faerie. I was able to hide Fiach through the first wave of the invasion. There was no time to arrange for his rebirth. A demon lord breached the fortress and came to the great hall. He agreed to leave us in peace as long as the rumors of our harboring the Phoenix were unfounded.” Her eyes met Fiach’s. “He also demanded a night of pleasure with a Sidhe woman.” It went unsaid that Harailt had singled her out. Fiach vibrated with fury at the sacrifice the Lady had given; Cilia’s heart ached for her sacrifice.
    “It is in the past. Demons make admirable lovers, so I enjoyed the exchange even if the choice to initiate it was not my own. The coupling was a perfect cover for Fiach’s revival. My court helped me fake the pregnancy. He was implanted in the womb of a demon lover belonging to one of my most loyal guards. The birth was natural to her, whereas if I had attempted it myself,” she pointed at his wings, “the result would have been much less favorable for us both.”
    “Harailt knew me. He claimed me.” Fiach spoke into the silence.
    “Yes. Someone leaked word that I had conceived. He wanted you. He thought my blood mingled with his would provide him with a stronger, more agile and magically proficient heir. He was right about you, but not because our powers had bred such a powerful child. You had been demon born when Cilia found you the first time and gifted you with the power of your Phoenix. Harailt did not know that was where the power drew from. I refused to give you up. I knew I had to protect you from the Morag until the time was right, until Cilia could find you again. The only solution was sharing you. He would have you half a mortal year and I, the other half.” Her face grew pained then. “I know the things he forced on you, the way he corrupted your youth and innocence. If I had tried to stop him, he would have killed you. He would not have succeeded, but our cover would have been blown. He would have enslaved you and murdered my people. Then he would have gone after Cilia as well, and I could not allow that.”
    “It’s all right. I understand.”
    The Lady’s eyes shined with regret as she looked to Cilia. “I would have kept him innocent for you. I had hoped to experience your mating fires while you lost the virginities of your new bodies.”
    Cilia’s heart hurt. It hurt for the loss of so much time with her mate and for the fact that he had shared the gift of himself with others. She looked into Fiach’s dark and desolate eyes. Shame burned there. His sense of disloyalty was crippling. Cilia tipped her head back, cupped the base of his neck, and pulled him down to her lips. She welcomed him as sweetly as she knew how. She put into words her undying love of him and her acceptance of what had happened to them; she offered forgiveness for what deeds he had committed simply to survive until they found one another again.
    When they parted she could feel the quickening of his heart against her cheek, which she laid to rest against him.
    His voice rumbled in her ear. “Can you forgive me, Cilia?”
    She sat up and rested her palms on either side of his beloved face. “There is nothing to forgive.” Then she rested her forehead against his. “I love you, Fiach.”
    His lips pulled up into a sensuous curve. “And, I love you. So much, I want to set the world ablaze and dance in the fire as we watch it all burn down around us.”
    He pulled her in for another kiss. Her blood thrummed in her veins. He lowered to trace the vein below her ear with his tongue. His teeth rasped against the soft flesh. Cilia wanted him to pierce her, to feed from her essence and live from her always.
    The Lady’s harsh intake of

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