
Free Unavoidable by Yara Greathouse

Book: Unavoidable by Yara Greathouse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yara Greathouse
ever. What, are you addictive or do you
     emit a drug of some kind? Yes, you are very pretty and sometimes you can be nice, but I don’t see how in the hell would I get so attached to you just
     from having dinner together. Please, do not insult my intelligence.” Then he turns
     serious and looks at me with a frown. “Okay?”
“Okay. I guess this shit is settled. You think I’m joking and I am not. My original answer stands. I guess
     I deserve this for trying to be honest with you. I was way off and wrong as hell. 
     Excuse me, your assholiness, I think is time for me to go.”
“Brianna, wait a minute. Let’s talk this out. I probably sounded a bit more upset
     than what I am, really. I did not mean to upset you. I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted, but it does not change my answer.” He grabs me by the arm, and
     as I am about to reach for my pocket knife, I tell him in the most calm voice I have,
     “You need to get your hand off my arm right this second, or I am not responsible for
     my actions in regards to your unwanted gesture.” I stare at him hard. It works. He
     lets go and raises his palms up in defeat.
“Fine. We are done for now.” He smiles sincerely. “I will earn your trust. Eventually,
     you will let me in. We are going to be great friends, Brianna. You and I are yet to
I give him a tight lip smile and turn to go get Ciara and escape. Running away from
     the most real feelings I have ever had in my life. Running away from something that
     terrifies me and excites me all at once. But this is not my first time running. And
     it probably won’t be my last.

Chapter 6
“I promise you, it will be fun!” Ciara is at it again.
“Those are somebody’s famous last words.” I tell her without looking at her. My nose
     has been buried in a book since last night. I have no interest to collide with the
     world. I’m pissed at myself.
“Brianna, you are being ridiculous. It’s a Saturday night. We are going out. None
     of this ‘I want to read and stay home’ business, since when did you turn 60?” She
     looks at me incredulously. “I’m going to your closet and getting your clothes ready.
     You go take a shower. You know you always feel better after a shower. Hell, take a
     bubble bath. We have time.”
Exasperated, I sigh loudly, “I don’t really want to deal with crowds and especially
     don’t want to deal with guys.” There is only one guy I want and I can’t have him. Crud.
“You need a distraction after last night’s fiasco. Those romance novels are not going
     to push him out of your mind. Trust me. This place we are going to is actually pretty
     low key. You will like it.”
“What is this place?” Now I’m suspicious.
“We are going to a place that has Karaoke night, but plays dance music sets in between.
     It’s called ‘Twisted’.” She looks at me pleading. I’m shaking my head no, I know where
     this is going… “Oh, no. Negative! Not happening!”
“Brianna! It’s $500 dollars! You can do it! You’ve done it before! Please!?” She is
     pouting now. Shit.
“Why? You don’t need the money! Why do I have to do it?”
“Because! Number one, I can’t sing, if I do all the dogs in the neighborhood will
     howl. Number two, it’s fun and will get you lots of attention. Number three, we will
     put the money in our ‘Rainy Day’ account – after a celebration drink. You can’t ever
     have too much money in an emergency fund. Don’t you agree?” She has been pacing around
     the living room while she recites all this. She has practiced the speech, the little
“What am I supposed to sing? I haven’t even practiced!” I practically yell at her.
              Ciara shakes her hand in a ‘don’t worry’ gesture. “You, practice? Girl, you don’t
     need practice. You were naturally born awesome!” Then she smiles at me.
“Ciara, you are not playing fair… How

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