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Free [smg id=31099 type=normal align=center width=150] by Kirsty-Anne Still

Book: [smg id=31099 type=normal align=center width=150] by Kirsty-Anne Still Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsty-Anne Still
laughing lightly. “I told you what flattery will get you.” I smirk harder as I look away from him. “So quit while you’re ahead.”
    “Can’t blame a guy for trying,” he comments and smirks. “Because I am going to keep trying.”
    Silence overcomes us after that as we just wait to reach Carmello’s house. I gaze out of the window, staring at the normal life going on around us. I sometimes find myself incredibly jealous of those who get to go out for a walk through Madison Square Park or can take their dogs for a walk. I envy those couples who go out and hold one another’s hands and friends who grab coffee. I’ve been sheltered from living that sort of life; I can only dream of what that sort of endless freedom would be like.
    “You ready, Lia?” Carlo calls out from over his shoulder, using the middle mirror to look over at me. I nod, and he gives me a wink. “What about you, Maverick? Scared yet?”
    “Terrified,” he quips at my brother and tries to hide his nerves with a chuckle. “But hey, this is smooth running, right?”
    “This is our father going easy on you,” Carlo quips as our driver takes a right and waits on a driveway before large iron gates. “Here we go!” he exclaims, almost too excitedly. For the one who plays the part in our family, he does get into the game easiest. As we pull to halt, Carlo gets out, and Zane and I follow. “We shouldn’t be more than twenty minutes tops. Any longer you come in, got it?”
    I see Matty nod and shut his door and lean against it. He’ll stay there clock watching until he’s needed, if he is. I know he’ll watch us like a hawk until we’re in the house, and even then, he’ll watch vigilantly until we’re back.
    All three of us walk up and Carlo gestures for Zane to take the lead. He does so and I could almost believe Zane has done this before. I wonder if he’s handling this like an arrest or raid as he would when he was a cop. His demeanor comes from being the levelheaded cop. He doesn’t even show his nervousness when he uses a steady hand to ring to let Carmello know we’re here.
    I straighten my dress as we wait, flounce my hair about and stand as tall and ready as I possibly can, all while trying to exude some of the calmness the two men before me have executed. I’m not even nervous for myself, only terrified for Zane. As the door opens, I feel a ball of dread roll into my stomach, but I have no time to voice my concern in confidence.
    “We’ve been expecting you,” a huge, muscle bound black guy in black announces. He looks menacing, with a face full of anger and a readiness to usher us inside with haste. “Get in now.”
    “No way to speak to a business associate,” Zane comments and enters.
    I hesitate for a moment unable to comprehend that Zane just took command.
    “Gonna come in, gorgeous, or stay on the door step?” the thug asks me, and I follow inside. “What I wouldn’t mind doing to you.”
    “Whatever you have in mind, stud, trust me when I say my payback would be worse,” I comment, not even bothering to give him eye contact. “I’m bad for your health.”
    “I’m sure you are,” he quips and bypasses me to stand before Zane and Carlo. “Carmello is out back seeing to renovations. He told me to bring you through when you arrived.”
    I follow through the house and the dread in me doesn’t disperse. We walk into a large room that seems to be in the middle of mass renovations and, instantly, I feel that ball of dread begin to grow in my stomach. Something isn’t right. But I have no time to voice my worry or grab onto Carlo. As soon as we’re in, I can feel an uncomfortable weight position behind me, and before I have time to inspect, hands wrap around the top of my arms and paralyzes me. Before I can call out, his arm moves across my chest, and I feel the cold, sharp edge of a blade press against my neck.
    “Boss, I’ve got her,” the thug who let us in speaks gruffly from behind me.
    “No,” I

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