Unfallen Dead

Free Unfallen Dead by Mark Del Franco

Book: Unfallen Dead by Mark Del Franco Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Del Franco
to the increase in fey people performing seasonal rituals up there.”
    She stopped again. “Maybe.”
    She placed her hands on either side of my head and sent warm lines of essence into my head. “That’s a relief. I was worried that damned spear did something to the darkness in your mind.”
    “I’ve bonded with it.”
    She shook her head. “I hate those stupid things. Nigel loves them, but in my experience, artifacts like that have a way of screwing up things.”
    I tilted my head down at her. “I seem to recall someone giving me a charmed dagger.”
    She gave me a friendly poke. “That’s different. I gave it to you. Things like the spear work of their own accord. Some idiot puts a bonding criterion on it, and who the hell knows where the thing will end up.”
    After what Nigel said, I couldn’t resist. “Maybe the Wheel of the World influences where it ends up.”
    “Yes, well, the Wheel of the World functions quite fine on Its own, thank you. It doesn’t need some old druid making weapons that can muck things around.”
    We reached Beacon Street and crossed into the Beacon Hill neighborhood. Cheerful pumpkins and cats decorated doors and windows as we strolled past the old townhouses. Samhain was one of those holidays that everybody celebrated in some form. It had different levels of meaning depending on the culture. For the Teutonic fey, it was a celebration of the continuity of life. For the Celts, it was a more mournful affair of remembrance for those who had died. For both sides of the fey divide, it was the start of the new year. Of course, for human normals, it was all about candy. Given a choice, I preferred the candy.
    On the sidewalk in front of Briallen’s townhouse, she took both my hands in hers. “Listen to me, Connor. The Guildhouse is in absolute turmoil. I actually like Ceridwen, but I’m worried she’s going after Manus. My suspicion is that she wants to replace him with Ryan macGoren because he’ll be more obedient to Maeve. If that happens, I’m afraid it will fracture the board even more.”
    I cocked my head. “And I care about this because . . .”
    She tugged my hands. “Because the Dananns are terrified of this taint on the essence here, and they don’t want it to spread. You accidentally got in the middle of all this, and you know macGoren is not your friend. I have influence, but at a certain point, I may not be able to keep them from bothering you. They think you might be lying about what you know of the Taint. It was made by a druid and stopped by a druid. All the Seelie Court sees is a threat to its power, and when that stuff starts happening, people get hurt.”
    I brought her hands up to my lips and kissed them. “I promise not to poke or tease the Faerie queen, okay?”
    She chuckled. “Don’t make promises we know you can’t keep. If I could make you go on a vacation right now, I would.”
    I swung her hands playfully. “No, really. I have an odd little murder case I much prefer dealing with. I will avoid Ceridwen completely if I can.”
    She nodded. “Okay, that I can believe.”
    I gave her a wicked smile. “Am I mistaken, but did you imply back in that room that you are peer to a Faerie queen?”
    She laughed again. “Oh, I’m not implying. I am. Years ago, I was made an honorary underQueen for services rendered to the Seelie Court. Since Convergence, none of the underQueens and underKings have physical realms anymore, so I ended up on equal footing. See what I mean about criteria? You never know what the results will be.”
    I shook my head. “The more I learn about you . . .”
    She kissed my cheek. “The less you know. Go solve your murder, sweetie. I have a political crisis to manage.”

    I waited for Murdock in what had to be the most run-down doughnut franchise in the city. I liked doughnut shops. They’re one of the few places that cross all social lines. Everyone likes doughnuts. If they say they don’t, they’re lying. At a doughnut shop,

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